421 |
Original Contributions - Polymorphisms of Coagulation Factor XIII Subunit A and Risk of Nonfatal Hemorrhagic Stroke in Young White Women - EDITORIAL COMMENT ///
Leclerc, Jacques R
American Heart Association]
422 |
Original Contributions - Population Group Differences in Trends in Stroke Mortality in Israel/
Koton, S
American Heart Association]
423 |
Original Contributions - Possible Effect of DRGs on the Classification of Stroke: Implications for Epidemiological Surveillance/
Derby, Carol A
American Heart Association]
424 |
Original Contributions - Postischemic Cerebrovascular E-Selectin Expression Mediates Tissue Injury in Murine Stroke/
Huang, Judy
American Heart Association]
425 |
Original Contributions - Postischemic Estrogen Reduces Hypoperfusion and Secondary Ischemia After Experimental Stroke/
McCullough, Louise D
American Heart Association]
426 |
Original Contributions - Postischernic (6-Hour) Treatment With Recombinant Human Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Proteasome Inhibitor PS-519 Reduces Infarction in a Rat Model of Embolic Focal Cerebral Ischemia/
Zhang, Li
American Heart Association]
427 |
Original Contributions - Potential of Carotid Enlargement as a Useful Indicator Affected by High Blood Pressure in a Large General Population of a Japanese City: The Suita Study/
Mannami, Toshifumi
American Heart Association]
428 |
Original Contributions - Power Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound in the Detection of Intracranial Aneurysms/
White, Philip M
American Heart Association]
429 |
Original Contributions - Pravastatin Improves Cerebral Vasomotor Reactivity in Patients With Subcortical Small-Vessel Disease/
Sterzer, Philipp
American Heart Association]
430 |
Original Contributions - Predicting Tissue Outcome in Acute Human Cerebral Ischemia Using Combined Diffusion- and Perfusion-Weighted MR Imaging/
Wu, Ona
American Heart Association]
431 |
Original Contributions - Predicting Treatment Costs After Acute Ischemic Stroke on the Basis of Patient Characteristics at Presentation and Early Dysfunction/
Caro, J Jaime
American Heart Association]
432 |
Original Contributions - Prediction of Functional Outcome and In-Hospital Mortality After Admission With Oral Anticoagulant-Related Intracerebral Hemorrhage/
Berwaerts, Joris
American Heart Association]
433 |
Original Contributions - Prediction of Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction by Diffusion-Weighted Imaging/
Oppenheim, C
American Heart Association]
434 |
Original Contributions - Predictive Value of Neurochemical Monitoring in Large Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction/
Schneweis, Susanne
American Heart Association]
435 |
Original Contributions - Predictors of Cerebrovascular Events and Death Among Patients With Valvular Heart Disease: A Population-Based Study/
Petty, George W
American Heart Association]
436 |
Original Contributions - Predictors of Fatal Brain Edema in Massive Hemispheric Ischemic Stroke/
Kasner, Scott E
American Heart Association]
437 |
Original Contributions - Prehospital and Emergency Department Delays After Acute Stroke: The Genentech Stroke Presentation Survey/
Morris, Dexter L
American Heart Association]
438 |
Original Contributions - Preoperative MRA Flow Quantification in CEA Patients: Flow Differences Between Patients Who Develop Cerebral Ischemia and Patients Who Do Not Develop Cerebral Ischemia During Cross-Clamping of the Carotid Artery/
Rutgers, D R
American Heart Association]
439 |
Original Contributions - Presence of Chlamydia pneumoniae in Human Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque/
LaBiche, Ronald
American Heart Association]
440 |
Original Contributions - Procedural Safety and Short-Term Outcome of Ambulatory Carotid Stenting/
Al-Mubarak, Nadim
American Heart Association]