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1 저널기사 Obstetric practice and faecal incontinence three months after delivery/ 미리보기
Macarthur, C British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
2 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - A discrepancy between gestational age estimated by last menstrual period and biparietal diameter may indicate an increased risk of fetal death and adverse pregnancy outcome/ 미리보기
Nguyen, T British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
3 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - A double-blind placebo controlled randomised trial of misoprostol and oxytocin in the management of the third stage of labour/ 미리보기
Walley, R L British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
4 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - Antenatal use of enoxaparin for prevention and treatment of thromboembolism in pregnancy/ 미리보기
Ellison, J British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
5 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - A randomised controlled trial of vaginal clindamycin for early pregnancy bacterial vaginosis/ 미리보기
Kurkinen-R�ty, M British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
6 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - Cervicovaginal fibronectin and cervical length at 23 weeks of gestation: Relative risk of early preterm delivery/ 미리보기
Heath, V C F British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
7 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - Expectant management of early onset, severe pre-eclampsia: Maternal outcome/ 미리보기
Hall, D R British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
8 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - Expectant management of early onset, severe pre-eclampsia: Perinatal outcome/ 미리보기
Hall, D R British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
9 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - First trimester maternal serum free b human chorionic gonadotrophin and pregnancy associated plasma protein A as predictors of pregnancy complications/ 미리보기
Ong, C Y T British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
10 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - Hepatitis C virus load during pregnancy and puerperium/ 미리보기
Lin, H-H British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
11 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - One stop clinic for assessment of risk for fetal anomalies: A report of the first year of prospective screening for chromosomal anomalies in the first trimester/ 미리보기
Spencer, K British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
12 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - Qualitative study of pregnancy and childbirth experiences in Somalian women resident in Sweden/ 미리보기
Ess�n, B British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
13 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - Subcutaneous versus intracutaneous injections of sterile water for labour analgesia: A comparison of perceived pain during administration/ 미리보기
M�rtensson, L British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
14 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - The development and evaluation of a computer-assisted teaching programme for intrapartum fetal monitoring/ 미리보기
Beckley, S British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
15 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - The development and validation of an algorithm for real-time computerised fetal heart rate monitoring in labour/ 미리보기
Taylor, G M British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
16 저널기사 OBSTETRICS - The misoprostol third stage of labour study: A randomised controlled comparison between orally administered misoprostol and standard management/ 미리보기
El-Refaey, H British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000
17 저널기사 Obstructive sleep apnoea and fetal death: successful treatment with continuous positive airway pressure/ 미리보기
Brain, Katherine A British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
18 저널기사 Oesophageal and duodenal atresia suspected at the 12 week booking scan/ 미리보기
Dundas, Kirsty C British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
19 저널기사 Oestrogen deficiency causes DNA damage in uterine leiomyoma cells: a possible mechanism for shrinkage of fibroids by GnRH agonists/ 미리보기
Cheng, Ya-Min British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
20 저널기사 Operative intervention in delivery is associated with compromised early mother-infant interaction/ 미리보기
Rowe-Murray, Heather J British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
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