1 |
Obligations to Stepparents Acquired in Later Life: Relationship Quality and Acuity of Needs
Ganong, L.; Coleman, M.
Gerontological Society of America
2 |
Occupational Characteristics and Cognitive Aging in the Glostrup 1914 Cohort
Gow, A. J.; Avlund, K.; Mortensen, E. L.
Gerontological Society of America
3 |
Odor Identification: Influences of Age, Gender, Cognition, and Personality/
Larsson, Maria
Gerontological Society of America
4 |
Old Adults Exhibit Greater Motor Output Variability Than Young Adults Only During Rapid Discrete Isometric Contractions/
Christou, Evangelos A
Gerontological Society of America
5 |
Old Adults Perform Activities of Daily Living Near Their Maximal Capabilities/
Hortobagyi, T
Gerontological Society of America
6 |
Old Age Is Associated With a Pattern of Relatively Intact and Relatively Impaired Task-Set Switching Abilities/
Meiran, Nachshon
Gerontological Society of America
7 |
Old Age Mortality in Japan: Does the Socioeconomic Gradient Interact With Gender and Age?
Liang, J.; Bennett, J.; Krause, N.; Kobayashi, E.; Kim, H.; Brown, J. W.; Akiyama, H.; Sugisawa, H.; Jain, A.
Gerontological Society of America
8 |
Older Adults' Acceptance of Psychological, Pharmacological, and Combination Treatments for Geriatric Depression
Hanson, A.E.; Scogin, F.
Gerontological Society of America
9 |
Older Adults’ Attitudes Toward Cohabitation: Two Decades of Change
Brown, S. L.; Wright, M. R.
Gerontological Society of America
10 |
Older Adults' Detection of Misspellings During Reading
Abrams, L.; Farrell, M. T.; Margolin, S. J.
Gerontological Society of America
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Older Adults Place Lower Value on Choice Relative to Young Adults
Mikels, J.A.; Reed, A.E.; Simon, K.I.
Gerontological Society of America
12 |
Older Adults Receiving Assistance With Physician Visits and Prescribed Medications and Their Family Caregivers: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Hours of Care
Wolff, J. L.; Spillman, B.
Gerontological Society of America
13 |
Older Adults’ Residential Proximity to Their Children: Changes After Cardiovascular Events
Choi, H.; Schoeni, R. F.; Langa, K. M.; Heisler, M. M.
Gerontological Society of America
14 |
Older Adults Respond Quickly to Angry Faces Despite Labeling Difficulty
Ruffman, T.; Ng, M.; Jenkin, T.
Gerontological Society of America
15 |
Older Men and Older Women in the Arms of Criminal Law: Offending Patterns and Sentencing Outcomes
Steffensmeier, D.
Gerontological Society of America
16 |
Older Patients' Perceptions of Quality of Chronic Knee or Hip Pain: Differences by Ethnicity and Relationship to Clinical Variables/
Ibrahim, S. A
Gerontological Society of America
17 |
Older Women With Osteoporosis Have Increased Postural Sway and Weaker Quadriceps Strength Than Counterparts With Normal Bone Mass: Overlooked Determinants of Fracture Risk?/
Liu-Ambrose, T
Gerontological Society of America
18 |
One-Year Follow-Up of Medication Management Capacity in Highly Functioning Older Adults/
Edelberg, Helen K
Gerontological Society of America
19 |
Only as Happy as the Least Happy Child: Multiple Grown Childrens Problems and Successes and Middle-aged Parents' Well-being
Fingerman, K. L.; Cheng, Y. P.; Birditt, K.; Zarit, S.
Gerontological Society of America
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On the Generality of Age Differences in Social and Nonsocial Decision Making
Rieger, M.; Mata, R.
Gerontological Society of America