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101 저널기사 Original Articles - Microsurgery in Private Practice: Is It Feasible Economically?/ 미리보기
Wade, James W Little, Brown] 2001
102 저널기사 Original Articles - Modified Bilateral Neurovascular Cheek Flaps: A New Technique for Reconstruction of Extensive Upper Lip Defects - A modified bilateral neurovascular cheek flap is presented for major upper lip reconstruction. The method preserves sensibility and the original position of the oral commissure./ 미리보기
Chowchuen, Bowornsilp Little, Brown] 2001
103 저널기사 Original Articles - Molecular Response to Ischemia -- Reperfusion of Rat Skin: Study of Expression of p53, p2lWAF-1, and Bax Proteins, and Apoptosis - In a rat hindlimb ischemia-reperfusion model, p53 and p21WAF-1 proteins accumulated in plantar skin after six hours of ischemia, suggesting a role for these proteins in skin survival./ 미리보기
Hatoko, Mitsuo Little, Brown] 2001
104 저널기사 Original Articles - Monitoring of Rat Skin Flap Ischemia by Bioelectrical Impedance Measurements/ 미리보기
Islamoglu, Kemal Little, Brown] 2001
105 저널기사 Original Articles - MRI for Detecting Silicone Breast Implant Rupture: Meta-analysis and Implications - A meta-analysis comprising 18 studies demonstrated that MRI is moderately accurate in detecting silicone gel implant rupture. However, the data suggest that MRI is best used as a confirmatory diagnostic test and should not be used for screening asymptomatic women./ 미리보기
Cher, Daniel J Little, Brown] 2001
106 저널기사 Original Articles - Nasal Dermoid Sinus Cysts and the Role of Open Rhinoplasty - Four of eight nasal dermoid sinus cysts were excised satisfactorily through an open rhinoplasty approach, thus eliminating a conspicuous scar./ 미리보기
Bilkay, Ufuk Little, Brown] 2001
107 저널기사 Original Articles - Neuroma Transposition and Intramuscular Implantation Using the Mitek "Soft-Tissue Anchor": A New Technique - Sixteen peripheral neuromas in ten patients were excised and successfully implanted into muscle tissue with the aid of the Mitek anchor./ 미리보기
Brooks, Darrell Little, Brown] 2001
108 저널기사 Original Articles - New Eyebrow Lift Technique Using a Semiautomatic Suturing Devices for Patients With Facial Paralysis - Thirteen facial paralysis patients underwent fascia lata suspension browlift through two small post-hairline incisions with the aid of a semiautomatic suturing device./ 미리보기
Niu, Atsushi Little, Brown] 2000
109 저널기사 Original Articles - Nipple-Areolar Reconstruction: A Different Approach to Skin Graft Fixation and Dressing - Fenestrated hydropolymer dressings were used in 278 nipple-areolar reconstructions with only a single partial skin graft loss. The dressing provided graft compression, fluid absorption, a moist environment, and maximal comfort./ 미리보기
Liew, Steven Little, Brown] 2001
110 저널기사 Original Articles - Nonendoscopic Harvest of the Gastrocnemius Muscle Flap Through a Small Incision - Ten gastrocnemius muscle flaps were harvested through small incisions without use of the endoscope. Complications included 1 hematoma and 1 infection./ 미리보기
Tsai, Chih-Cheng Little, Brown] 2001
111 저널기사 Original Articles - Offspring Health Risk After Cosmetic Breast Implantation in Sweden/ 미리보기
Signorello, Lisa B Little, Brown] 2001
112 저널기사 Original Articles - One-Stage Emergency Treatment of Open Grade IIIB Tibial Shaft Fractures With Bone Loss Five grade IIIB open tibial shaft fractures with bone loss were treated emergently with primary one-stage management that included antibiotics, debridement, locked intramedullary nailing, iliac crest bone grafting, and free muscle transfer. All cases achieved full bone healing, with full weight-bearing beginning 5 months after injury./ 미리보기
Tropet, Y Little, Brown] 2001
113 저널기사 Original Articles - One-Stage Immediate Breast and Nipple-Areolar Reconstruction With Autologous Tissue I: A Preliminary Report/ 미리보기
Hudson, Donald A Little, Brown] 2000
114 저널기사 Original Articles - Operative Management of Neuromatous Knee Pain: Patient Selection and Outcome - Twenty-five patients with intractable neuromatous knee pain underwent 62 selective neurectomies and burial of the nerve ends in muscle. Complete pain relief was achieved in 44% and partial relief in 40% over 1 to 4 years postoperative./ 미리보기
Nahabedian, Maurice Y Little, Brown] 2001
115 저널기사 Original Articles - Oriental Double Eyelid: A Limited-Incision Technique/ 미리보기
Yang, Sung Yuri Little, Brown] 2001
116 저널기사 Original Articles - Outcomes in Breast Reduction Surgery - A prospective series of 69 women undergoing reduction mammaplasty was evaluated pre-operatively and post-operatively with quality-of-life and psychological testing. Whereas pre-operative physical health was rated poorer than control patients, significant improvement was noted in all areas nine months post-operatively with health status similar to controls./ 미리보기
Behmand, Ramin A Little, Brown] 2000
117 저널기사 Original Articles - Overexpression of Transforming Growth Factor Beta-2 and Its Receptor in Rhinophyma: An Alternative Mechanism of Pathobiology/ 미리보기
Pu, Lee L Q Little, Brown] 2000
118 저널기사 Original Articles - "Pac Man" Flap for Closure of Pressure Sores/ 미리보기
Akan, Ismail Mithat Little, Brown] 2001
119 저널기사 Original Articles - Patterns of Oculomotor Nerve Distribution to the Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle, and Correlation to Temporary Ptosis After Blepharoplasty - A cadaver study demonstrated that the superior division of the oculomotor nerve extends to the distal third of the levator palpebrae muscle in 2/3 of cases, making it vulnerable to infiltration of local anesthetics during blepharoplasty. Transient postoperative blepharoptosis may thus result./ 미리보기
Hwang, Kun Little, Brown] 2001
120 저널기사 Original Articles - Patterns of Radial Dysmorphology With the VACTERL Association in the Adriamycin-Exposed Prenatal Rat/ 미리보기
Kolker, Adam R Little, Brown] 2000
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