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141 저널기사 Original Articles - Sequential Segmental Neuromuscular Stimulation Reduces Fatigue and Improves Perfusion in Dynamic Graciloplasty - Using a canine dynamic graciloplasty model for urinary neosphincter, sequential segmental neuromuscular stimulation (SSNS) was compared to conventional, single-channel, continuous stimulation. SSNS proved superior in muscle endurance and blood perfusion/ 미리보기
Zonnevijile, Erik D H Little, Brown] 2000
142 저널기사 Original Articles - Severe, Traumatic Soft-Tissue Loss in the Antecubital Fossa and Proximal Forearm Associated With Radial and/or Median Nerve Palsy: Nerve Recovery After Coverage With a Pedicled Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Flap - Six pedicled latissimus muscle flaps were transferred to complex traumatic soft tissue defects of the antecubital fossa and proximal forearm with accompanying radial and/or median nerve palsies. All wounds healed, and all but one in-continuity nerve injury demonstrated motor recovery./ 미리보기
Al-Qattan, M M Little, Brown] 2001
143 저널기사 Original Articles - Silicone Implant Correction of Pectus Excavatum/ 미리보기
Wechselberger, Gottfried Little, Brown] 2001
144 저널기사 Original Articles - Simplifying Microvascular Head and Neck Reconstruction: A Rational Approach to Donor Site Selection - A review of 728 free flaps in head and neck oncology patients showed an overall 98.6% success rate despite a 10.9% rate of re-exploration for vascular compromise. Preferred flaps included fibula for mandible, jejunum for hypopharynx, rectus abdominis for midface and skull base, forearm for oral cavity, and latissimus for scalp./ 미리보기
Disa, Joseph J Little, Brown] 2001
145 저널기사 Original Articles - Skin Grafts Used in Combination With Free Flaps for Intraoral Oncological Reconstruction - Four patients underwent successful immediate reconstruction of oral cancer defects with a combination of free flaps and split-thickness skin grafts. The grafts were especially useful for providing epithelial coverage of ventral tongue defects and exposed flap muscle./ 미리보기
Butler, Charles E Little, Brown] 2001
146 저널기사 Original Articles - Skin-Sparing Mastectomy With Staged Tissue Expander Reconstruction Using a Silicone Gel Prosthesis and Contralateral Endoscopic Breast Augmentation/ 미리보기
Burden, William R Little, Brown] 2001
147 저널기사 Original Articles - Soft-Tissue Reconstruction of the Face Using the Folded/Multiple Skin Island Radial Forearm Free Flap - Seventeen complex soft tissue defects of the face were reconstructed with folded, multiple-island forearm free flaps. Flap survival was 100%, and aesthetic results were good to excellent in 76%./ 미리보기
Disa, Joseph J Little, Brown] 2001
148 저널기사 Original Articles - Supercharged Gastric Tube Pull-up Procedure for Total Esophageal Reconstruction - Seven total esophageal reconstructions performed with gastric tube pull-up were supercharged by anastomosis of the short gastrics to various recipient vessels in the neck. All gastropharyngeal anastomoses healed primarily, and swallowing was satisfactory in all cases./ 미리보기
Kawai, Ken-ichiro Little, Brown] 2001
149 저널기사 Original Articles - Surgical Repair for Congenital Macrostomia: Vermilion Square Flap Method - Transverse facial clefts of eight patients were corrected with a technique combining a lower lip mucocutaneous vermilion border flap with a lazy W-plasty. Use of the W-plasty avoided the cheek deformity often associated with a Z-plasty./ 미리보기
Eguchi, Tomoaki Little, Brown] 2001
150 저널기사 Original Articles - Synthetic Hybrid Grafts for Craniofacial Reconstruction: Sustained Gene Delivery Using a Calcium Phosphate Bone Mineral Substitute - A synthetic calcium phosphate bone mineral substitute was transgenically implanted into a piglet frontal bone defect model via an adenoviral vector for sustained local gene delivery and expression./ 미리보기
Kirschner, Richard E Little, Brown] 2001
151 저널기사 Original Articles - Tattoo Removal by Grafting Enzymatically Separated Epidermis - A method for tattoo removal is presented wherein full-thickness skin containing a tattoo is excised, thinned with a dermatome, and the epidermis enzymatically removed and replaced onto the original site. The method, successfully applied in three cases, has the advantage of avoiding a skin graft donor site./ 미리보기
Takushima, Akihiko Little, Brown] 2001
152 저널기사 Original Articles - The Cross-Leg Soleus Muscle Flap - Nine large lower-extremity defects were closed with cross-leg soleus flaps. The flap is advantageous when the recipient vessels are too damaged for a free flap, and its donor site is superior to that of the conventional cross-leg flap./ 미리보기
Ladas, Chris Little, Brown] 2000
153 저널기사 Original Articles - The Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Free Flap for Breast Reconstruction - A review of 148 consecutive DIEP flap breast reconstructions (90.7% immediate) demonstrated successful results despite a single flap failure, 10 with fat necrosis, and two with incisional hernias./ 미리보기
Keller, Alex Little, Brown] 2001
154 저널기사 Original Articles - The Differential Expression of N-cadherin in Vascularized and Nonvascularized Nerve Grafts: A Study in a Rat Sciatic Nerve Model - In a rat sciatic nerve graft model, N-cadherin expression was greater in vascularized than nonvascularized grafts postoperatively but returned to normal levels in the fourteenth postoperative week. Histochemical studies localized expression around the regenerated axons./ 미리보기
Hatoko, Mitsuo Little, Brown] 2001
155 저널기사 Original Articles - The Distally Based Island Superficial Sural Artery Flap: Clinical Experience With 36 Flaps/ 미리보기
Costa-Ferreira, Ant�io Little, Brown] 2001
156 저널기사 Original Articles - The Effect of Gradually Increased Blood Flow on Ischemia -- Reperfusion Injury - In a rat hindlimb ischemia-reperfusion model, gradual restoration of flow during reperfusion was associated with lesser injury than sudden restoration of maximal flow./ 미리보기
�nal, Sakir Little, Brown] 2001
157 저널기사 Original Articles - The Effect of Prostaglandin E1 Versus Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury of Musculocutaneous Flaps - In a rat TRAM-flap model of ischemia-reperfusion injury, injection of PGE-1 throughout the flap at the time of elevation resulted in reduced leukocyte adhesion and decreased expression of ICAM-1 at 24 hours and 5 days after reperfusion, suggesting a protective effect of PGE-1 on reperfused flaps./ 미리보기
Hong, Joon Pio Little, Brown] 2001
158 저널기사 Original Articles - The Effect of Trimetazidine on the Survival of Rat Island Skin Flaps Subjected to Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury - In a rat inferior epigustric artery flap model of ischemia-reperfusion, both pre- and post-administration of trimetazidine produced substantial increases in flap surviving area./ 미리보기
G�kalan Kara, Inci Little, Brown] 2001
159 저널기사 Original Articles - The Effect of Twisting on Microanastomotic Patency of Arteries and Veins in a Rat Model - In a rat femoral vessel model, increased vascular twisting at the time of anastomosis resulted in lower patency rates at 3 days. Venous anastomoses were more vulnerable to twist-induced thrombosis than arterial anastomoses./ 미리보기
Salgarello, Marzia Little, Brown] 2001
160 저널기사 Original Articles - The Effects of Hyperglycemia on Skin Graft Survival in the Burn Patient - A study of 74 bum patients indicated that skin graft take was et al significantly decreased in the presence of hyperglycemia and/or gram-positive bacteria) counts >= 105 per gram of tissue./ 미리보기
Mowlavi, Arian Little, Brown] 2000
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