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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2281 저널기사 Observed Leniency among the Credit Rating Agencies 미리보기
Parnes, Dror Institutional Investor 2018
2282 저널기사 Observed linear flow resistance in the Oeresund due to rotation 미리보기
Mattsson, J William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2283 저널기사 Observed Phenomenology of the Interaction between Solder Paste and Soldering Processes 미리보기
2284 저널기사 Observed photodetachment in parallel electric and magnetic fields (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Yukich, J. N Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
2285 저널기사 Observed Price Dispersion: Product Hetergeneity, Regional Markets, or Local Market Power? 미리보기
Abbott, T. A. 00 1994
2286 저널기사 Observed Price Dispersion: Product Heterogeneity, Regional Markets, or Local Market Power? 미리보기
Abbott, T. A. 00 1994
2287 저널기사 Observed Sacramento Basin streamflow response to precipitation and temperature changes and its relevance to climate impact studies 미리보기
Risbey, J. S Elsevier, etc 1980
2288 저널기사 Observed Social Costs of Monopoly 미리보기
2289 저널기사 Observed Substrate Topography-Mediated Lateral Patterning of Diblock Copolymer Films 미리보기
Fasolka, M. J American Physical Society 1980
2290 저널기사 Observed Surface Energy Effects in Confined Diblock Copolymers 미리보기
Kellogg, G. J American Physical Society 1980
2291 저널기사 Observed versus Simulated Second-Moment Climate Statistics in GCM Verification Problems 미리보기
Polyak, I American Meteorological Society 1980
2292 저널기사 Observed versus theoretical prices under price limit regimes 미리보기
Levy, T.; Yagil, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
2293 저널기사 Observed vertical profile of sulphur hexafluoride (SF~6) and its atmospheric applications 미리보기
Patra, P. K William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2294 저널기사 Observed vs. expected embryo implantation distribution (EID) as an indicator of transfer efficiency./ 미리보기
Stassart, J P American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
2295 저널기사 Observed wave characteristics during growth and decay 미리보기
Prasada Rao, C. V. K Pergamon Press 1980
2296 저널기사 Observed wavenumber-frequency properties of microwave backscatter from the ocean surface at near-grazing angles 미리보기
Frasier, S. J William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2297 저널기사 Observer agreement with laparoscopic diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease using photographs/ 미리보기
Molander, P American college of Ob and Gy 2003
2298 저널기사 Observer-based control of a class of chaotic systems/ 미리보기
Ersoy, Umut Solak, Ercan Morg�l, �mer; North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
2299 저널기사 Observer-Based Feedback Linearizing Control of an Electromagnetic Suspension 미리보기
Fabien, B. C American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1993
2300 저널기사 Observer design for induction motor: an approach based on the mean value theorem 미리보기
Hammoudi, M. Y.; Allag, A.; Becherif, M.; Benbouzid, M.; Alloui, H. Higher Education Press : springer 2014
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