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42401 저널기사 The Ownership of Enterprise by Henry Hansmann 미리보기
Fligstein, N University of Chicago Press 1980
42402 저널기사 The ownership of Italian firms Untangled 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
42403 저널기사 The Ownership of Petroleum in Papua New Guinea: a Lesson for Resources Lawyers 미리보기
Pritchard, R. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
42404 저널기사 The ownership of ratings 미리보기
Faure-Grimaud, A.; Peyrache, E.; Quesada, L. Rand Corp. 2009
42405 저널기사 The Ownership of the Modern Corporation: Economic and Legal Perspectives on Private versus Publicly Listed Corporations 미리보기
unknown Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2005
42406 저널기사 The ownership structure contingency in the sequential international entry mode decision process: Family owners and institutional investors in family-dominant versus family-influenced firms 미리보기
Kai Xu ; Michael A. Hitt ; Stewart R. Miller Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2020
42407 저널기사 The Ownership Structure of Japanese Service Firms: A Study of Parent - Subsidiary Relationships 미리보기
42408 저널기사 The "O" Word 미리보기
Miller Pub. Co.] 1988
42409 저널기사 The Oxa1 protein forms a homooligomeric complex and is an essential part of the mitochondrial export translocase in Neurospora crassa 미리보기
Nargang, F. E.; Preuss, M.; Neupert, W.; Herrmann, J. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
42410 저널기사 The Oxbow School, California/ 미리보기
Pearson, C. A McGraw-Hill, etc 2003
42411 저널기사 The Oxford and Cambridge graduates' medical clubs 미리보기
PELL, FOHN British Medical Association 1983
42412 저널기사 THE OXFORD (B-SCHOOL) BLUES 미리보기
VanderMey, Anne Time, inc., etc.] 2013
42413 저널기사 The Oxford Companion to Australian Politics, edited by Brian Galligan and Winsome Roberts 미리보기
Power, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008
42414 저널기사 The Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century British Politics (edited by John Ramsden) 미리보기
42415 저널기사 The Oxford Economics Forecast 미리보기
unknown Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
42416 저널기사 The Oxford Economics Forecast 미리보기
unknown Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
42417 저널기사 The Oxford European wound healing course handbook/ 미리보기
Phillips, T. J C. V. Mosby] 2003
42418 저널기사 The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Edited by Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli and Craig Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013. P656. $156.34, hardcover. 미리보기
George Grantham Economic History Association at the University of Pennsylvania [etc.] 2014
42419 저널기사 The Oxford Handbook of Atheism, edited by Stephen Bullivant and Michael Ruse 미리보기
DeVan, Benjamin B. Routledge 2016
42420 저널기사 The Oxford Handbook of Business and Government Edited by David Coen, Wyn Grant, and Graham Wilson 미리보기
SUAREZ, S. L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
맨앞 이전 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 
