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42521 저널기사 The ovarian follicular wave pattern and induction of ovulation in the mated and non-mated one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) 미리보기
Skidmore, J. A Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd. [etc.] 1980
42522 저널기사 The ovary in women is not the major source of circulating Activin-A but is for Inhibin-B./ 미리보기
Reame, N American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
42523 저널기사 The Ovary of Eve, C Pinto-Correla 미리보기
Gonzalez-Crussi, F Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
42524 저널기사 The Oven Builders Of The Holocaust 미리보기
Van Baar, A.; Huisman, W. Oxford University Press 2012
42525 저널기사 The overall effect of volatility on investment 미리보기
Shih, P. T.; Hung, W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
42526 저널기사 The overall gains from large bank mergers 미리보기
Houston, J. F. ELSEVIER 1994
42527 저널기사 The overarching role of international marketing: Relevance and centrality in research and practice 미리보기
Saeed Samiee ; Constantine S. Katsikeas ; G. Tomas M. Hult Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2021
42528 저널기사 The Overcommitted Organization 미리보기
Mortensen, Mark; Gardner, Heidi K. Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 2017
42529 저널기사 The overconfidence of investors in the primary market 미리보기
Hsu, Y.; Shiu, C. Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
42530 저널기사 The Overconfidence Phenomenon as a Consequence of Informal Experimenter-Guided Selection of Almanac Items 미리보기
42531 저널기사 The overconfident newsvendor 미리보기
Ren, Yufei; C. Croson, David; T.A. Croson, Rachel Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2017
42532 저널기사 The overeducated American (Book Review). 미리보기
Gordon Margaret S American Economic Assonication
42533 저널기사 The Overeducated Worker? The Economics of Skill Utilization 미리보기
Hartog, J. PERGAMON 2002
42534 저널기사 The over-education of UK immigrants and minority ethnic groups: Evidence from the Labour Force Survey 미리보기
Lindley, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
42535 저널기사 The overexploitation and illegal trade of Prunus africana in the protected areas in the light of international environmental law (a case study of the Democratic Republic of Congo) 미리보기
Shamwana, F.T. INDERSCIENCE 2011
42536 저널기사 The over-expression of an alfalfa RING-H2 gene induces pleiotropic effects on plant growth and development/ 미리보기
Karlowski, W. M Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk 2003
42537 저널기사 The over-interpretation of DNAR 미리보기
Stewart, M.; Baldry, C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
42538 저널기사 The Overlap Between Damages for Personal Injury and Work Related Benefits 미리보기
42539 저널기사 The Overlap Between Tax and Trade Policy 미리보기
Elliot, Carrie Brandon Tax Analysts 2017
42540 저널기사 The Overlap Flap: A Method of Repairing Recurrent Large Abdominal Hernias/ 미리보기
Sensoz, O Williams & Wilkins 2003
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