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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
42661 저널기사 The oxidation of alkanes with dimethyldioxirane; a new mechanistic insight 미리보기
Asensio, G Pergamon Press 1980
42662 저널기사 The oxidation of cytosolic NAD(P)H by external NAD(P)H dehydrogenases inthe respiratory chain of plant mitochondria 미리보기
Moeller, I. M Munksgaard 1997
42663 저널기사 The oxidation of homophthalimide derivatives by dioxygen in alkaline media and cleavage-cyclisation reactions 미리보기
Heaney, H Pergamon Press 1980
42664 저널기사 The oxidation of octacyanomolybdated(IV) and octacyano-tungstate(IV) by nitrous acid 미리보기
Dennis, C. R. Basson, S. S. Pergamon Press 1993
42665 저널기사 The oxidation of selenocysteine is involved in the inactivation of glutathione peroxidase by nitric oxide donor 미리보기
Asahi, M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
42666 저널기사 The oxidation of soot: a review of experiments, mechanisms and models/ 미리보기
Stanmore, B R Pergamon Press 2002
42667 저널기사 The oxidation of the carbon-silicon bond 미리보기
Jones, G. R Pergamon Press 1980
42668 저널기사 The Oxidation Product of Bis(glyximato)palladium(Ⅱ) with Iodine 미리보기
ENDRES, H Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1976
42669 저널기사 The Oxidation State of the Lower Atmosphere and Surface of Venus 미리보기
Fegley, B Academic Press 1980
42670 저널기사 The oxidation states of titanium and niobium in compounds of compositionSn~xNbTiP~3O~1~2 (0<x�.50): an XPS study 미리보기
Gancedo, J. R. Berry, F. J. Marco, J. F. Pergamon Press 1993
42671 저널기사 The oxidative coupling of coumaranone with disulfur dichloride 미리보기
Langhals, H Pergamon Press 1980
42672 저널기사 The Oxidative Half-reaction of Xanthine Dehydrogenase with NAD; ReactionKinetics and Steady-state Mechanism 미리보기
Harris, C. M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
42673 저널기사 The Oxidative Metabolism of Glutamine: A Modulator of Reactive Oxygen Intermediate-mediated Cytotoxicity of Tumor Necrosis Factor in L929 Fibrosarcoma Cells 미리보기
Goossens, V American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
42674 저널기사 The oxidized lipid and lipoxygenase product 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid induces hypertrophy and fibronectin transcription in vascular smooth muscle cells via p38 MAPK and cAMP response element-binding protein activation. Mediation of angiotensin II 미리보기
Reddy, M. A.; Thimmalapura, P.-R.; Lanting, L.; Nadler, J. L.; Fatima, S.; Natarajan, R. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
42675 저널기사 The Oxime of 6,7-Dihydro-6,6-dimethylbenzofurazan-4(5H)-one 3-Oxide 미리보기
CALLERI,M Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
42676 저널기사 The Oxyamino-Aldehyde Coupling Reaction: An Efficient Method for the Derivatization of Oligonucleotides 미리보기
Trevisiol, E Pergamon Press 1980
42677 저널기사 The oxygen and carbon monoxide reactions of heme oxygenase 미리보기
Migita, C. T American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
42678 저널기사 The Oxygen and Sensitizer Enhancement Ratio/ 미리보기
Year Book Medical Publishers 2001
42679 저널기사 The oxygenase component of phenol hydroxylase from Acinetobacter radioresistens S13/ 미리보기
Divari, S Springer-Verlag 2003
42680 저널기사 The oxygen isotope composition of nitrate generated by nitrification in acid forest floors/ 미리보기
Mayer, Bernhard 2001
맨앞 이전 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 
