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81 저널기사 O~3, NO~y, and NO~x/NO~y in the upper troposphere of the equatorial Pacific 미리보기
Folkins, I. A William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
82 저널기사 O/3 Project scheduling approach to production planning/ 미리보기
Markus, A Technische Rundschau 2003
83 저널기사 O(3P) versus O(1D) reaction dynamics with n-pentane: a crossed-beam imaging study/ 미리보기
Gross, R. L North Holland 2003
84 저널기사 O/3 Workflow management based on information management/ 미리보기
Lutters, D Technische Rundschau 2001
85 저널기사 O/4 An autopoietic approach for building knowledge management systems in manufacturing enterprises/ 미리보기
Thannhuber, M Technische Rundschau 2001
86 저널기사 O/4 Modelling of Manufacturing Systems Complexity/ 미리보기
ElMaraghy, W Technische Rundschau 2003
87 저널기사 O/5 Convertibility Measures for Manufacturing Systems/ 미리보기
Maier-Speredelozzi, V Technische Rundschau 2003
88 저널기사 O/5 Line-less production system using self-organization: a case study for BMS/ 미리보기
Ueda, K Technische Rundschau 2001
89 저널기사 O^6-(Alkyl/aralkyl)guanosine and 2'-Deoxyguanosine Derivatives: Synthesis and Ability To Enhance Chloroethylnitrosourea Antitumor Action 미리보기
Mounetou, E American Chemical Society 1980
90 저널기사 O^6-Alkylguanine-DNA Alkyltransferase: Low pK~a and High Reactivity of Cysteine 145/ 미리보기
Guengerich, F. P American Chemical Society 2003
91 저널기사 O^6-methyl-guanine-DNA methyltransferase Methylation in Serum and Tumor DNA Predicts Response to 1,3-Bis(2-Chloroethyl)-1-Nitrosourea but not to Temozolamide Plus Cisplatin in Glioblastoma Multiforme/ 미리보기
Balana, C The Association 2003
92 저널기사 O/6 Self-organization in a distributed manufacturing system based on constraint logic programming/ 미리보기
Sluga, A Technische Rundschau 2001
93 저널기사 O/6 Stochastic Optimal Capacity Management in Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems/ 미리보기
Asl, F. M Technische Rundschau 2003
94 저널기사 O/7 A Systematic Approach for Ensuring the Logistic Process Reliability of Supply Chains/ 미리보기
Wiendahl, H.-P Technische Rundschau 2003
95 저널기사 O/7 Process planning with conditional and conflicting advice/ 미리보기
Markus, A Technische Rundschau 2001
96 저널기사 O/8 Backlog-oriented automatic production control/ 미리보기
Wiendahl, H-R Technische Rundschau 2001
97 저널기사 O/8 Decision Making in Logistics: A Chaos Theory Based Analysis/ 미리보기
Kumara, S. R. T Technische Rundschau 2003
98 저널기사 O/9 User-friendly production control systems to support the flexibility of production of organization/ 미리보기
Meier, M Technische Rundschau 2001
99 저널기사 O/9 Using Fuzzy Multi-Agent Decision-Making in Environmentally Conscious Supplier Management/ 미리보기
Zhang, H. C Technische Rundschau 2003
100 저널기사 O(a3 1n a) corrections to positronium decay rates (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Melnikov, Kirill Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2000
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