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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
86081 저널기사 The processes of knowledge management in professional services firms in the construction industry: a critical assessment of both theory and practice 미리보기
Fong, P. S.; Choi, S. K. Emerald Group Publishing limited 2009
86082 저널기사 The Processes of Public Accountability 미리보기
86083 저널기사 The processes of social capital and employee creativity: empirical evidence from intraorganizational networks 미리보기
Liu, C.-H. Routledge 2013
86084 저널기사 The Process for Developing an International Program for Dual-Career Couples 미리보기
86085 저널기사 The processing and characterization of animal-derived bone to yield materials with biomedical applications. Part III: material and mechanical properties of fresh and processed bovine cancellous bone/ 미리보기
Anderson, L A Chapman and Hall 2000
86086 저널기사 The processing and characterization of animal-derived bone to yield materials with biomedical applications. Part II: milled bone powders, reprecipitated hydroxyapatite and the potential uses of these materials/ 미리보기
Johnson, G S Chapman and Hall 2000
86087 저널기사 The processing and characterization of sintered metal-reinforced aluminium matrix composites 미리보기
Gerard, D. A. Wawner, F. E. Wert, J. A. Baron, R. P. Chapman and Hall 1997
86088 저널기사 The processing of a magnesium-alumino-silicate matrix, SiC fibre glass-ceramic matrix composite using a pulsed Nd-YAG laser: Part II The effect of process variables 미리보기
Tuersley, I. P Chapman and Hall 1996
86089 저널기사 The processing of a magnesium-alumino-silicate matrix, SiC fibre glass-ceramic matrix composite using a pulsed Nd-YAG laser: Part I Optimization of pulse parameters 미리보기
Tuersley, I. P Chapman and Hall 1996
86090 저널기사 The processing of data points basing on design intent in reverse engineering/ 미리보기
Tai, Ching-Chih Pergamon 2000
86091 저널기사 The processing of duration and intensity cues to prominence 미리보기
Turk, A. E American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
86092 저널기사 The processing of Holliday junctions by BLM and WRN Helicases is regulated by p53 미리보기
Yang, Q.; Zhang, R.; Wang, X. W.; Spillare, E. A.; Linke, S. P.; Subramanian, D.; Griffith, J. D.; Li, J. L.; Hickson, I. D.; Shen, J. C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
86093 저널기사 The Processing of New Oilseed Crops - An Economic Evaluation 미리보기
Cuperus, F. P American Oil Chemists' Society 1980
86094 저널기사 The Processing of Primary Commodities: Effects of Developed-Country Tariff Escalation and Developing-Country Export Taxes 미리보기
Stephen S. Golub ; J. M. Finger University of Chicago Press
86095 저널기사 The Processing of Threat Appeals in the Prevention of Obesity: Weighing the Weight Issue 미리보기
Wauters, B.; Brengman, M.; Janssens, W. Association for Consumer Research 2013
86096 저널기사 The processing, transport and heterologous expression of Epstein-Barr virus gp110 미리보기
Papworth, M. A Society for General Microbiology [etc.] 1980
86097 저널기사 The Process is the Reality: Perceptions of Procedural Fairness and Participatory Democracy 미리보기
Carman, C. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2010
86098 저널기사 The Processive Endocellulase CelF, a Major Component of the Clostridium cellulolyticum Cellulosome: Purification and Characterization of the Recombinant Form 미리보기
Reverbel-Leroy, C American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
86099 저널기사 The process management triangle: An empirical investigation of process trade-offs 미리보기
Klassen, R. D.; Menor, L. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
86100 저널기사 The process of benchmarking, benchlearning and benchaction 미리보기
Freytag, P. V. MCB University Press; 1999 2001
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