1 |
Performance of Commercial Cultures in Fluid Milk Applications
Sanders, M. E
American Dairy Science Association
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Pharmacokinetic Profile of Plasma Tocopherol Following Intramuscular Administration of Acetylated �Tocopherol to Sheep
Hidiroglou, M
American Dairy Science Association
3 |
Phenotypic Relationship of Yield and Type Scores from First Lactation with Herd Life and Profitability
Norman, H. D
American Dairy Science Association
4 |
Physical Treatments Affecting the Solid Fat Content of Butter Fat: Thermal Treatment of Cream and Membrane Partition of Butter Oil
Fanni, J
American Dairy Science Association
5 |
Plasma Lipoproteins in Preruminant Calves Fed Diets Containing Tallow orSoybean Oil with and Without Cholesterol
Leplaix-Charlat, L
American Dairy Science Association
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Plasminogen Activator System: Implications for Mammary Cell Growth and Involution
Politis, I
American Dairy Science Association
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Polymorphisms in the Bovine �Casein 5' Flanking Region
Bleck, G. T
American Dairy Science Association
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Potential for Stainless Steel Microfiltration Processing to Reduce Effluent from a Fluid Milk and Ice Cream Processing Plant
Yip, V
American Dairy Science Association
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Predicting Ad Libitum Dry Matter Intake and Yields of Jersey Cows
Holter, J. B
American Dairy Science Association
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Procedures Used by North Carolina Dairies for Vitamins A and D Fortification of Milk
Hicks, T
American Dairy Science Association
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Production of Aminopeptidase from Skim Milk Whey Permeate Medium by Lactobacillus casei ssp. casei
Choi, H
American Dairy Science Association
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Production of Cottage Cheese Using Dressing Fermented by Bifidobacteria
Blanchette, L
American Dairy Science Association
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Purification and Characterization of a Dipeptidase from Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC 948
Gobbetti, M
American Dairy Science Association
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Purification of the Bovine Xanthine Oxidoreductase from Milk Fat GlobuleMembranes and Cloning of Complementary Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Berglund, L
American Dairy Science Association
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Purification of �Lactoglobulin from Whey Protein Concentrate by Pepsin Treatment
Kinekawa, Y.-I
American Dairy Science Association
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Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Reductase in Lactating Bovine Mammary Glands
Basch, J. J
American Dairy Science Association