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74/78 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1461 저널기사 Pulse bias sputtering of copper onto insulating surfaces/ 미리보기
Barnat, E V American Institute of Physics 2001
1462 저널기사 Pulsed anodic etching: An effective method of preparing light-emitting porous silicon 미리보기
Hou, X.-Y American Institute of Physics 1980
1463 저널기사 Pulsed corona and dielectric-barrier discharge processing of NO In N~2 미리보기
Penetrante, B. M American Institute of Physics 1980
1464 저널기사 Pulsed currents carried by whistlers. IX. In situ measurements of currents disrupted by plasma erosion 미리보기
Urrutia, J. M American Institute of Physics 1980
1465 저널기사 Pulsed currents carried by whistlers. VII. Helicity and transport in heat pulses 미리보기
Stenzel, R. L American Institute of Physics 1980
1466 저널기사 Pulsed currents carried by whistlers. VIII. Current disruptions and instabilities caused by plasma erosion 미리보기
Stenzel, R. L American Institute of Physics 1980
1467 저널기사 Pulsed currents carried by whistlers. VI. Nonlinear effects 미리보기
Urrutia, J. M American Institute of Physics 1980
1468 저널기사 Pulsed deposition of silicate films/ 미리보기
He, W American Institute of Physics 2003
1469 저널기사 Pulsed discharge jet spectroscopy of DSiF and the equilibrium molecular structure of monofluorosilylene 미리보기
Harper, W. W American Institute of Physics 1980
1470 저널기사 Pulsed discharge nozzle Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of the propargyl radical (H~2CCCH) 미리보기
Tanaka, K American Institute of Physics 1980
1471 저널기사 Pulsed electroluminescence from organic bilayer light emitting diodes 미리보기
Tak, Y. H American Institute of Physics 1980
1472 저널기사 Pulsed electrothermal technique for measuring the thermal diffusivity ofdielectric films on conducting substrates 미리보기
Bauer, S American Institute of Physics 1980
1473 저널기사 Pulsed excimer laser etching of La~0~.~7~5Ca^0^.^2^5MnO~x thin films 미리보기
Dhote, A. M American Institute of Physics 1980
1474 저널기사 Pulsed field magnetometery for high coercivity permanent magnets/ 미리보기
Kim, Y American Institute of Physics 2003
1475 저널기사 Pulsed KrF laser annealing of Ni/Si~0~.~7~6Ge~0~.~2~4 films 미리보기
Luo, J.-S American Institute of Physics 1980
1476 저널기사 Pulsed laser ablation: A new route to synthesize novel superconducting compounds as oriented films 미리보기
Gnanasekar, K. I American Institute of Physics 1980
1477 저널기사 Pulsed laser ablation of aluminum in the presence of nitrogen: Formation of aluminum nitride/ 미리보기
Sharma, A K American Institute of Physics 2000
1478 저널기사 Pulsed laser deposition of Bi~2 Te~3-based thermoelectric thin films/ 미리보기
Makala, R. S American Institute of Physics 2003
1479 저널기사 Pulsed laser deposition of highly conductive iridium oxide thin films 미리보기
El Khakani, M. A American Institute of Physics 1980
1480 저널기사 Pulsed laser deposition of hydrogenated amorphous diamond-like carbon films from a polymer target 미리보기
Li, Z. F American Institute of Physics 1980
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 
