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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Pledges and Competitions as Health Interventions 미리보기
Raju, S.; Rajagopal, P. Association for Consumer Research 2009
82 저널기사 Politics and Consumption 미리보기
Ozalp, Y. Association for Consumer Research 2008
83 저널기사 Poseurs: Understanding When Product Use is Perceived as Impression Management 미리보기
Pancer, E.; Ashworth, L. Association for Consumer Research 2013
84 저널기사 Positive and Negative Effects of Brand Extension and Co-Branding 미리보기
Shocker, A. D. Association for Consumer Research 1994
85 저널기사 Positive Emotions-Theory and Application 미리보기
Herzenstein, M. Association for Consumer Research 2009
86 저널기사 Positive Emotions-Theory and Application 미리보기
Herzenstein, M. Association for Consumer Research 2009
87 저널기사 Positive Implicit Effects for Event Incongruent Sponsorship 미리보기
Trendel, O.; Warlop, L. Association for Consumer Research 2005
88 저널기사 Positive Implicit Memory Effects for Event Incongruent Sponsorship 미리보기
Trendel, O.; Warlop, L. Association for Consumer Research 2007
89 저널기사 Positive versus Negative Affect Asymmetry and Comfort Food Consumption 미리보기
LeBel, J.; Lu, J.; Dube, L. Association for Consumer Research 2006
90 저널기사 Positive versus Negative Affect Asymmetry and Comfort Food Consumption 미리보기
LeBel, J.; Lu, J.; Dube, L. Association for Consumer Research 2006
91 저널기사 Possessions and Identity in Crisis: Meaning and Change for Victims of the Oakland Firestorm 미리보기
Sayre, S. Association for Consumer Research 1993
92 저널기사 Possessions and Identity in Crisis: Meaning and Change for Victims of the Oakland Firestorm 미리보기
93 저널기사 Possessions and Identity: Shifting Identities, Shifting Relationships 미리보기
Berger, J. Association for Consumer Research 2007
94 저널기사 Possible Selves? Identifying Dimensions for Exploring the Dialectic between Positive and Negative Selves in Consumer Behavior 미리보기
Banister, E. N.; Hogg, M. K. Association for Consumer Research 2003
95 저널기사 Postconsumption Competition: The Effects of Choice and Non-Choice Alternatives on Satisfaction Alternatives 미리보기
Droege, C.;Mackoy, R. D. Association for Consumer Research 1994
96 저널기사 Postconsumption Motivation-What Happens after a Need is Satisifed? 미리보기
Kreuzbauer, R.; Chiu, C.-y. Association for Consumer Research 2009
97 저널기사 Postconsumption Motivation-What Happens after a Need is Satisifed? 미리보기
Kreuzbauer, R.; Chiu, C.-y. Association for Consumer Research 2009
98 저널기사 `Post-Materialist Work': Emerging Self-Actualization in the Video Industry 미리보기
Hietanen, J.; Uotila, H. Association for Consumer Research 2013
99 저널기사 Post-Purchase Consumer Regret: Conceptualization and Development of the PPCR Scale 미리보기
Lee, S.H.; Cotte, J. Association for Consumer Research 2009
100 저널기사 Post-Purchase Consumer Regret: Conceptualization and Development of the PPCR Scale 미리보기
Lee, S.H.; Cotte, J. Association for Consumer Research 2009
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