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1 저널기사 A Plan for Energy Independence 미리보기
Wilson, Carroll L. Council on Foreign Relations 1973
2 저널기사 A Plan for energy Independence 미리보기
Carroll L. Wilson Council on Foreign Relations 1973
3 저널기사 A Plan for Europe 미리보기
Brzezinski, Zbigniew Council on Foreign Relations 1995
4 저널기사 A Policy of Reliable Partnership 미리보기
Helmut Schmidt Council on Foreign Relations 1981
5 저널기사 A Policy of Reliable Partnership 미리보기
Schmidt, Helmut Council on Foreign Relations 1981
6 저널기사 A Portentous Year 미리보기
William P. Bundy Council on Foreign Relations 1984
7 저널기사 A Portentous Year 미리보기
Bundy, William P. Council on Foreign Relations 1983
8 저널기사 A Post-Heroic Military Policy 미리보기
Luttwak, E. N Council on Foreign Relations] 1980
9 저널기사 A Problem From Heaven Why the United States Should Back Islam's Reformation 미리보기
Ali, Ayaan Hirsi Council on Foreign Relations] 2015
10 저널기사 A Profile of Slobodan Milo?evic 미리보기
Djilas, Aleksa Council on Foreign Relations 1993
11 저널기사 Pact for Progress: A Conversation With Enrique Pena Nieto 미리보기
unknown Council on Foreign Relations] 2014
12 저널기사 Pakistan Builds Anew 미리보기
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali Council on Foreign Relations 1973
13 저널기사 Papandreou's Foreign Policy 미리보기
Loulis, John C. Council on Foreign Relations 1984
14 저널기사 Paradigm Lost 미리보기
Haass, Richard N. Council on Foreign Relations 1995
15 저널기사 Paradisia and Dominatia 미리보기
Michael J. Moravcsik;J. M. Ziman Council on Foreign Relations 1975
16 저널기사 Paradisia and Dominatia: Science and the Developing World 미리보기
Moravcsik, Michael J. Council on Foreign Relations 1975
17 저널기사 Paraguay After Stroessner 미리보기
Roett, Riordan Council on Foreign Relations 1989
18 저널기사 Paris Isn't Burning Why the Climate Agreement Will Survive Trump 미리보기
Deese, Brian Council on Foreign Relations] 2017
19 저널기사 Parting the South China Sea How to Uphold the Rule of Law 미리보기
Rapp-Hooper, Mira Council on Foreign Relations] 2016
20 저널기사 Party Man Xi Jinping's Quest to Dominate China 미리보기
McGregor, Richard Council on Foreign Relations] 2019
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