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1 저널기사 A pop-up shop for periods? U by Kotex says the time has arrived 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2016
2 저널기사 Packaged goods giants take a startup approach to building new products, like P&G's `Forever Roll' 미리보기
Neff, Jack Crain Communications 2019
3 저널기사 Pandora's box Audio ad tech is streaming's next step—if brands buy in 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2018
4 저널기사 PAPA DON'T PREACH But the country's fourth-biggest pizza chain is crowing about its quality 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2017
5 저널기사 Paris An eclectic ad scene thrives in the newly energized city 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2018
6 저널기사 Passing the test (at a cost) 72andSunny, VML are the first to get 3% certification 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2017
7 저널기사 Patty quake IHOP wants consumers to order burgers, not just pancakes 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2018
8 저널기사 People & Parties 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2018
9 저널기사 People & Parties 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2018
10 저널기사 People & Parties 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2018
11 저널기사 PepsiCo's new state-of-the-art studio is about unbranded content as much as ads-maybe more so 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2016
12 저널기사 P&G AIMS TO BUY MORE TV, but the networks may not gain much more from that decision 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2017
13 저널기사 PLUS-SIZE IS IN FASHION with apparel marketers 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2016
14 저널기사 Poisoned politics are only part of the social network's problem 미리보기
Sloane, Garett Crain Communications 2018
15 저널기사 Political divide Strategists debate how to fix the Democratic and Republican parties 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2017
16 저널기사 Pop art Feast your eyes on 12 classic concert posters you can't afford to buy 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2018
17 저널기사 Pop secret: WHO HAS THE TIME TO MICROWAVE POPCORN anymore? 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2017
18 저널기사 POVERTY CHIC IS REAL at Nordstrom, but not only there 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2017
19 저널기사 Power Players The marketing greats who made this year's cut might surprise you 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2017
20 저널기사 Pregame warm-up Before the upfronts start, ESPN pitches straight to agencies 미리보기
unknown Crain Communications 2018
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