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1 저널기사 A panel analysis of job changes and unemployment 미리보기
Muehleisen, M. ELSEVIER 1994
2 저널기사 A Panel Data Design for Estimation of Hospital Cost Functions 미리보기
Carey, K. ELSEVIER 1997
3 저널기사 A panel project on purchasing power parity: Mean reversion within and between countries 미리보기
Frankel, J. A. ELSEVIER 1996
4 저널기사 A parellel genetic-neuro scheduler for job-shop scheduling problems 미리보기
Lee, H.C Elsevier 1997
5 저널기사 A Pareto comparison of ad valorem and unit taxes in noncompetitive environments 미리보기
Skeath, S. E. ELSEVIER 1994
6 저널기사 A Pareto-improving commodity tax reform under a smooth nonlinear income tax 미리보기
Konishi, H. ELSEVIER 1995
7 저널기사 A parimutuel system with two horses and a continuum of bettors 미리보기
Takahiro, W. ELSEVIER 1997
8 저널기사 A patent-based cartography of technology 미리보기
Engelsman, E. C. ELSEVIER 1993
9 저널기사 A path-dependent approach to security valuation with application to interest rate contingent claims 미리보기
Breeden, D. T. ELSEVIER 1997
10 저널기사 A PC model for selecting multicropping farm machinery systems 미리보기
Lazzari, M Elsevier 1996
11 저널기사 A P.D.E. approach to Asian options: analytical and numerical evidence 미리보기
Alziary, B. ELSEVIER 1997
12 저널기사 A pecking order of capital inflows and international tax principles 미리보기
Razin, A. ELSEVIER 1998
13 저널기사 A perfect foresight model of regional development and skill specialization 미리보기
Desmet, K. ELSEVIER 2000
14 저널기사 A periodic long-memory model for quarterly UK inflation 미리보기
Franses, P. H. ELSEVIER 1997
15 저널기사 A permanent fish cell line (EPC) for genotoxicity testing of marine sediments with the comet assay/ 미리보기
Kammann, Ulrike Theobald, Norbert Bunke, Markus; Steinhart, Hans; Elsevier 2001
16 저널기사 A personal view of the M2-Competition 미리보기
Chatfield, C. ELSEVIER 1993
17 저널기사 A physical view of sustainability 미리보기
Hannon, B. ELSEVIER 1993
18 저널기사 A policy-game approach to the high inflation equilibrium 미리보기
Kiguel, M. A. ELSEVIER 1994
19 저널기사 A political business cycle with boundedly rational agents 미리보기
Sieg, G. ELSEVIER 2001
20 저널기사 A population of learners: A new way to measure organizational learning 미리보기
Uzumeri, M. ELSEVIER 1998
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