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1 저널기사 Parental neglect 미리보기
Watt, M. Incisive Media enkPublication 2013
2 저널기사 Peer-to-peer lending Peer-to-peer pressure 미리보기
Maxwell, F. Incisive Media enkPublication 2014
3 저널기사 Pensions Annuity dawns 미리보기
Becker, L. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
4 저널기사 Permission accomplished? 미리보기
Davidson, C. Incisive Media enkPublication 2013
5 저널기사 Persecution complex The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) tried to regulate exchange of futures for swaps (EFS) transactions in 2004 and again in 2008. Then it tried to ban contingent EFS in 2010. All these attempts failed. Now the CFTC is investigating EFS trades for illegal off-exchange trading activity. Lawyers see a pattern emerging 미리보기
Madigan, P. Incisive Media enkPublication 2013
6 저널기사 Personal criminal liability works, like it or not 미리보기
Rowe, D. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
7 저널기사 Perturbed Gaussian copula: introducing the skew effect in co-dependence 미리보기
Elices, A.; Fouque, J.-P. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
8 저널기사 Perturbing the smile 미리보기
Carver, L. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
9 저널기사 Physical hedges Swap counterparty risk has been replaced by liquidity risk, to which insurers and pension funds are allergic, so they have decided they would rather bear loan credit risk instead 미리보기
unknown Incisive Media enkPublication 2014
10 저널기사 Political risk Getting political 미리보기
Watt, M. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
11 저널기사 Portfolio theory vindicated by crisis 미리보기
Markowitz, H. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
12 저널기사 Power politics 미리보기
Wood, D. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
13 저널기사 PRA demands Ukraine and Russia risk reports 미리보기
unknown Incisive Media enkPublication 2014
14 저널기사 Preventing a clearing contract crunch 미리보기
Becker, L. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
15 저널기사 Pricing CDSs' capital relief 미리보기
Kenyon, C.; Green, A. Incisive Media enkPublication 2013
16 저널기사 Pricing Grand centralisation 미리보기
Carver, L. Incisive Media enkPublication 2013
17 저널기사 Pricing the CVA doom loop 미리보기
Carver, L. Incisive Media enkPublication 2013
18 저널기사 Private fears 미리보기
Devasabai, K. Incisive Media enkPublication 2014
19 저널기사 Profile A charter for change 미리보기
Sawyer, N. Incisive Media enkPublication 2013
20 저널기사 Profile A clear advantage? 미리보기
Osborn, T. Incisive Media enkPublication 2014
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