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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Procedure to Produce Gnotobiotic Calves by Cesarean Section / 미리보기
Kashiwazaki, M National Institute of Animal Health 1975
2 저널기사 Pathogenesis of Hog Cholera Virus Infection in Experimentally Inoculated Swine / 미리보기
Lin, T.C National Institute of Animal Health 1969
3 저널기사 Pathogenicity for Piglets of Toxoplasma Oocysts Originated from Naturally Infected Cat / 미리보기
Ito, S National Institute of Animal Health 1974
4 저널기사 Pathogenicity for Several laboratory Animals of Toxoplasma Oocysts Originated from Naturally Infected Cats / 미리보기
Ito, S National Institute of Animal Health 1975
5 저널기사 Pathogenicity of avian nephritis virus for embryonating hen's eggs / 미리보기
Imada, T National Institute of Animal Health 1982
6 저널기사 Pathogenicity of different strains of Akabane virus for mice / 미리보기
Kurogi, H National Institute of Animal Health 1978
7 저널기사 Pathogenicity of Getah virus for mice / 미리보기
Sentsui, H National Institute of Animal Health 1981
8 저널기사 Pathological changes in chickens inoculated with reticuloendotheliosis-virus-contaminated Marek's disease vaccine / 미리보기
Taniguchi, T National Institute of Animal Health 1977
9 저널기사 Pathological changes in laying hens inoculated with the JPA-1 strain of egg drop syndrome-1976 virus / 미리보기
Taniguchi, T National Institute of Animal Health 1981
10 저널기사 Pathological changes of experimental polychlorinated biphenyl poisoning in chickens / 미리보기
Shoya, S National Institute of Animal Health 1979
11 저널기사 Pathological changes of xanthinurolithiasis in calves / 미리보기
Momotani, E National Institute of Animal Health 1979
12 저널기사 Pathological studies on encephalitis in mice experimentally inoculated with bovine coronavirus / 미리보기
Kubo, M National Institute of Animal Health 1982
13 저널기사 Pathology of goats and sheep experimentally infected with mycoides var. carpri / 미리보기
Nakagawa, M National Institute of Animal Health 1976
14 저널기사 Porcine Adenovirus isolated from pigs with toxoplasmosis / 미리보기
Shimizu, M National Institute of Animal Health 1978
15 저널기사 Precipitating antibody against protease of Corynebacterium pyogenes in pigs / 미리보기
Takeuchi, S National Institute of Animal Health 1977
16 저널기사 Preparation of hemagglutinating antigen of equine infectious anemia virus from infected equine leukocyte cultures / 미리보기
Sentsui, H National Institute of Animal Health 1978
17 저널기사 Preparation of Mono-specific Antisera against Staphylococcal α- and β-hemolysin by Using Agar Gel Precipitates as Immunogen / 미리보기
Takeuchi, S National Institute of Animal Health 1973
18 저널기사 Production of heat-stable enterotoxic component by Escherichia coli strains enteropathogenic for swine / 미리보기
Kashiwazaki, M National Institute of Animal Health 1981
19 저널기사 Production of immunoglobulins by tumor cell lines from avian lymphoid leukosis / 미리보기
Muto, M National Institute of Animal Health 1976
20 저널기사 Propagation of Equine Infectious Anemia Viurs in Horse Kidney Cell Cultures / 미리보기
Kono, Y National Institute of Animal Health 1974
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