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21 저널기사 Posner's acid bath theory and short-term retention of temporal visual information / 미리보기
Guay, M Teviot Scientific 1989
22 저널기사 Practice Effects on the Different-Hand Reaction Time Advantage for a Two-Choice Task / 미리보기
Hart, M.A Teviot Scientific 2000
23 저널기사 Pragmatic Approach to the Effect of Camera Arrangement on the Performance of a Motion Analysis System / 미리보기
Nester, C.J Teviot Scientific 2000
24 저널기사 Prediction of Bench Press Strength in Untrained Females from Anthropometric Dimensions and Psychological Indicators of Activity Involvement / 미리보기
Ballmann, K.L Teviot Scientific 1999
25 저널기사 Prediction of Rowing Performance on Single Sculls from Metabolic and Anthropometric Variables / 미리보기
Jurimae, J Teviot Scientific 2000
26 저널기사 Preface 미리보기
Teviot Scientific 1992
27 저널기사 Preselected movement accuracy as a function of movement time, distance and velocity / 미리보기
Toole, Tonya Teviot Scientific 1982
28 저널기사 Programming time and movement time as a function of unequal distributions of practice / 미리보기
Fischaman, M Teviot Scientific 1994
29 저널기사 Psychological Outcomes of Physical Activity: 미리보기
Oweis, P Teviot Scientific 2001
30 저널기사 The Playing Pattern of the World's Top Single Badmington Players in Competition - A Notation Analysis / 미리보기
Hong, Y Teviot Scientific 2000
31 저널기사 The point of introduction of a learning strategy and its effect on achievement in a complex motor task / 미리보기
Singer, R.N Teviot Scientific 1989
32 저널기사 The Potential for Enhancing Psychomotor and Cognitive Functioning in Frail Senious and Young Children Through Creative Dance / 미리보기
Von Rossberg-Gempton, I.E Teviot Scientific 1999
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