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121 연속간행물 PHP 미리보기
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PHP Kenky?jo PHP Institute 1970-1984
122 연속간행물 Physica A 미리보기
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North-Holland Pub. Co. 1975-
123 연속간행물 Physica B + C 미리보기
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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Magnetismus Conference North-Holland Pub. Co. 1975-1988
124 연속간행물 Physica.B,Condensed matter 미리보기
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North-Holland 1988-
125 연속간행물 Physica.C:,Superconductivity 미리보기
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North-Holland 1988-
126 연속간행물 Physica D,:,Nonlinear phenomena 미리보기
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North-Holland 1980-
127 연속간행물 Physica.E,Low-dimensional systems & nanostructures 미리보기
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North-Holland 1997- URL
128 연속간행물 Physical acoustics:principles and methods 미리보기
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Mason, Warren P Thurston, R. N Academic Press 1964-
129 연속간행물 Physical anthropology 미리보기
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Angeloni, Elvio Dushkin Publishing Group 1993-
130 연속간행물 Physical chemistry chemical physics:PCCP 미리보기
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Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft fu@r Physikalische Chemie Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging Socie Royal Society of Chemistry 1999-
131 연속간행물 Physical review 미리보기
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American Institute of Physics American Physical Society Cornell University American Physical Society Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics [etc.] 1893-1969
132 연속간행물 Physical review.A 미리보기
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American Physical Society American Institute of Physics Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1990-
133 연속간행물 Physical review.A,General physics 미리보기
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American Physical Society American Institute of Physics Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 1970-1989
134 연속간행물 Physical review.B,Condensed matter 미리보기
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American Physical Society American Institute of Physics Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 1978-1997
135 연속간행물 Physical review.B,Condensed matter and materials physics 미리보기
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American Physical Society American Institute of Physics Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1998- URL
136 연속간행물 Physical review.B,Solid state 미리보기
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American Physical Society. American Institute of Physics Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 1970-1978
137 연속간행물 Physical review.C,Nuclear physics 미리보기
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American Institute of Physics American Physical Society Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 1970-
138 연속간행물 Physical review.D,Particles and fields 미리보기
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American Physical Society. American Institute of Physics Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 1970-
139 연속간행물 Physical review.E,Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
American Physical Society American Institute of Physics Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1993-
140 연속간행물 Physical review letters 미리보기
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American Physical Society American Physical Society 1958-
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