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221 저널기사 A partial test and extension of the job characteristics model of motivation 미리보기
M.G. Evans; M.N. Kiggundu; R.J. House Academic Press 1979
222 저널기사 A partial test of the ecological theory: Examining vigour at the block group level 미리보기
Scott W Phillips ; S Marlon Gayadeen ; Dae-Young Kim ; Jennifer L O’Neil ; Joshua G Robertson [Barry Rose Law Periodicals, etc.]. 2015
223 저널기사 A partial test of the impact of a casino on neighborhood crime 미리보기
Lallen T Johnson ; Jerry H Ratcliffe Butterworths 2017
224 저널기사 A Partial Test of the Sythesis Integrated Model of Ethical Decision Making: Cognitive Moral Development and Managerial Moral Deliberation 미리보기
225 저널기사 A Partial Test of the Transtheoretical Model in Therapy With Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse 미리보기
Koraleski, S. F. Larson, L. M. American Psychological Association 1997
226 저널기사 A partial two sector banking model with interest on reserves 미리보기
Osell, Shawn Inderscience 2019
227 저널기사 A partial-wave analysis of positronium formation in positron-helium scattering 미리보기
Van Reeth, P IOP Pub 1980
228 저널기사 A partial wave analysis of pp->hhp0/ 미리보기
Sarantsev, A V; Zou, B S Sarantsev, V V; Anisovich, A V Baker, C A; Bugg, D V; Batty, C J; Nikonov, V A; North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
229 저널기사 A participative and facilitative conceptual modelling framework for discrete event simulation studies in healthcare 미리보기
Kotiadis, K.; Tako, A. A.; Vasilakis, C. Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2014
230 저널기사 A participatively designed shift system reduces turnover in a glass factory 미리보기
Cummings, Thomas G Executive Enterprises 1995
231 저널기사 A participatory approach to the study of lifting demands and musculoskeletal symptoms among Hong Kong workers/ 미리보기
Yeung, S BMJ Pub. Group 2003
232 저널기사 A participatory local governance approach to social innovation: A case study of Seongbuk-gu, South Korea 미리보기
Sangmin Kim SAGE Publishing 2022
233 저널기사 A participatory modelling approach to support integrated sustainability assessment processes 미리보기
Videira, N.; Antunes, P.; Santos, R.; Lopes, R. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
234 저널기사 A `participatory revolution' among the German `unification generation'? Youth attitudes toward noninstitutional participation after the East German Revolution 미리보기
235 저널기사 A particle-based model of size or anion exclusion with application to microbial transport in porous media (DOI 10.1029/2001WR001223)/ 미리보기
Scheibe, T. D American Geophysical Union 2003
236 저널기사 A particle introduction experiment in Santa Catalina Basin sediments: Testing the age-dependent mixing hypothesis./ 미리보기
Fornes, William L Sears Foundation for Marine Research 2001
237 저널기사 A Particle Method with Adjustable Transport Properties the Generalized Consistent Boltzmann Algorithm 미리보기
Garcia, A. L. Alexander, F. J. Alder, B. J. Plenum Press 1997
238 저널기사 A particle model of rolling grain ripples under waves/ 미리보기
Andersen, Ken Haste American Institute of Physics 2001
239 저널기사 A particle scheme for the numerical solution of the Enskog equation 미리보기
Frezzotti, A American Institute of Physics 1980
240 저널기사 A particle's eye view of crystallizer fluid mechanics/ 미리보기
Rielly, Chris D 2001
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