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481 저널기사 A period analysis of the optical line variability of �Cephei: evidence for multi-mode pulsation and rotational modulation 미리보기
Telting, J. H Springer-Verlag 1997
482 저널기사 A periodically forced flow displaying symmetry breaking via a three-tori gluing bifurcation and two-tori resonances/ 미리보기
Marques, F North-Holland 2001
483 저널기사 A Periodic Auditor Designation and the Role of Audit Committee 미리보기
Hyunmi Ji People and Global Business Association; School of Business, Indiana State University, 2020
484 저널기사 A periodic DFT approach to octanitrocubane crystal 미리보기
Ju, X. H North Holland 2003
485 저널기사 A Periodic Inventory Model for Stocking Modular Components 미리보기
Thomas, D. J.; Warsing, D. P. THE UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE 2007
486 저널기사 A Periodic Knitting Problem for the Helmholtz Equation 미리보기
Smirnov, G. V Academic Press 1980
487 저널기사 A periodic long-memory model for quarterly UK inflation 미리보기
Franses, P. H. ELSEVIER 1997
488 저널기사 A periodic long-memory model for quarterly UK inflation 미리보기
Franses, Philip Hans North-Holland 1997
489 저널기사 A periodic orbit analysis of the vibrationally highly excited LiNC/LiCN:A comparison with quantum mechanics 미리보기
Prosmiti, R American Institute of Physics 1980
490 저널기사 A Periodic Review Inventory Model with Demand Influenced by Promotion Decisions 미리보기
Cheng, Feng Institute of Management Sciences 1999
491 저널기사 A Periodic Review Inventory System with Emergency Replenishments/ 미리보기
Tagaras, George 2001
492 저널기사 A periodic-review model with serially-correlated, inventory-level-dependent demand 미리보기
Urban, T. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
493 저널기사 A periodic review replenishment model with a refined delivery scenario 미리보기
Chiang, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
494 저널기사 A perishable inventory model with Markovian renewal demands 미리보기
Lian, Z.; Liu, X.; Zhao, N. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
495 저널기사 A Permanent Change in the Route to Owner Occupation? 미리보기
Andrew, M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
496 저널기사 A permanent fish cell line (EPC) for genotoxicity testing of marine sediments with the comet assay/ 미리보기
Kammann, Ulrike Theobald, Norbert Bunke, Markus; Steinhart, Hans; Elsevier 2001
497 저널기사 A Permanent Income Hypothesis for the Yugoslav Firm 미리보기
Laura D'Andrea Tyson;; unknown 1977
498 저널기사 A Permanent Income Model of Public Consumption 미리보기
499 저널기사 A Permanent Income Theory for Investment: Some Empirical Explorations 미리보기
Eisner Robert. American Economic Assonication
500 저널기사 A Permanent Magnet AC Machine Structure with True Field Weakening Capability 미리보기
Shakal, A Hemisphere Pub. Corp 1980
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