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521 저널기사 A Personal Approach 미리보기
Bonnier Magazines & Books 1984
522 저널기사 A Personal Approach 미리보기
Bonnier Magazines & Books 1984
523 저널기사 A personal construct analysis of adaptive selling and sales experience 미리보기
Gengler, Charles E Van Nostrand Reinhold 1995
524 저널기사 A Personal Construct Analysis of Adaptive Selling and Sales Experience 미리보기
Gengler, C. E. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1995
525 저널기사 A Personal History of the WTO Subsidies Agreement 미리보기
Horlicke, G.N. Werner Pub 2013
526 저널기사 A personalised information support system for searching portals and e-resources 미리보기
Sirisha, B. S.; Jeevan, V. K.; Kumar, R. V.; Goswami, A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
527 저널기사 A Personality-Based Model of Adolescent Violence 미리보기
Sutherland, I.; Shepherd, J. P. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2002
528 저널기사 A personality comparison of British and Egyptian female physical education students / 미리보기
Abdelkader, M.S Teviot Scientific 1987
529 저널기사 A Personality-Competence Model of Opinion Leadership 미리보기
Gnambs, T.; Batinic, B. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
530 저널기사 A Personality Trait-Based Interactionist Model of Job Performance/ 미리보기
Tett, R. P American Psychological Association, etc.] 2003
531 저널기사 A Personality Which Should Not Be Forgotten 미리보기
Pavelka, T.; Zak, M. Vysoka skola ekonomicka 2013
532 저널기사 A personalized approach to web privacy: awareness, attitudes and actions 미리보기
Wills, C. E.; Zeljkovic, M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
533 저널기사 A personalized consideration set recommender system: a hierarchical Bayesian approach 미리보기
Liu, Hsiu-Wen Palgrave Macmillan Ltd 2013
534 저널기사 A Personalized E-Gift 미리보기
A. Doyle Bill Communications 2015
535 저널기사 A personalized rhythm click-based authentication system 미리보기
Chang, T. Y.; Yang, Y. J.; Peng, C. C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
536 저널기사 A Personal Journey through Time and Space 미리보기
537 저널기사 A personal journey through time and space 미리보기
Robinson, Richard D Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
538 저널기사 A personal journey through time series in Biometrika/ 미리보기
Tong, H 2001
539 저널기사 A personal mobile DRM manager for smartphones 미리보기
Bhatt, S.; Sion, R.; Carbunar, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
540 저널기사 A personal narrative is presented which explores the author's experience and progress in completing the FCIB's International & Credit Risk Management (ICRM) course and the benefits they have gain... 미리보기
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