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661 저널기사 A Petrologic Perspective of Kilauca Volcano's Summit Magma Reservoir/ 미리보기
Garcia, M. O Oxford University Press [etc.] 2003
662 저널기사 A Petrov-Galerkin formulation for advection-reaction-diffusion problems 미리보기
Idelsohn, S North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
663 저널기사 A PET Study After Treatment with an Anxiety-Provoking Agent, m-Chlorophenyl-Piperazine, in Conscious Rhesus Monkeys/ 미리보기
Takamatsu, H Society of Nuclear Medicine 2003
664 저널기사 A PET study of the neural systems of stuttering 미리보기
Fox, P. T Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
665 저널기사 A pfg-NMR Investigation of the Diffusion Coefficients of Anionic Speciesin the System PPG4000-LiCF~3SO~3 미리보기
Ferry, A American Chemical Society 1997
666 저널기사 A Phage Display-based Method for Determination of Relative Affinities of Mutants. APPLICATION TO THE ACTIN-BINDING MOTIFS IN THYMOSIN beta4 AND THE VILLIN HEADPIECE 미리보기
Rossenu, S.; Leyman, S.; Dewitte, D.; Peelaers, D.; Jonckheere, V.; Van Troys, M.; Vandekerckhove, J.; Ampe, C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
667 저널기사 A Phage Display-based Method for Determination of Relative Affinities of Mutants. APPLICATION TO THE ACTIN-BINDING MOTIFS IN THYMOSIN beta4 AND THE VILLIN HEADPIECE/ 미리보기
Rossenu, S American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
668 저널기사 A Phage Display Technique Identifies a Novel Regulator of Cell Differentiation 미리보기
Sheu, T.-J.; Schwarz, E. M.; Martinez, D. A.; O Keefe, R. J.; Rosier, R. N.; Zuscik, M. J.; Puzas, J. E. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
669 저널기사 A Phantom in Our Midst 미리보기
Gupta, A. ROBERT O. MARRITZ 2000
670 저널기사 A phantom study of intra-fractional image acquisition and dose calculation/ 미리보기
Sheng, K Pergamon Press 2003
671 저널기사 A pharmaceutical company harnesses the power of analytics 미리보기
III, T. E. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
672 저널기사 A Pharmacodynamic Study of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor ZD1839 in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients/ 미리보기
Daneshmand, M The Association 2003
673 저널기사 A pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic approach vs. a dose titration for the determination of a dosage regimen: the case of nimesulide, a Cox-2 selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug in the dog/ 미리보기
Toutain, P L Blackwell Scientific Publications 2001
674 저널기사 A pharmacokinetic study of amoxycillin in febrile beagle dogs following repeated administrations of endotoxin/ 미리보기
Marier, J-F Blackwell Scientific Publications 2001
675 저널기사 A Pharmacokinetic Study of Intravenous CTLA41g, a Novel Immunosuppressive Agent, in Mice 미리보기
Srinivas, N. R American Pharmaceutical Association 1980
676 저널기사 A Pharmacokinetic Study of Occupational and Environmental Benzene Exposure with Regard to Gender 미리보기
677 저널기사 A Pharmacokinetic Study of Sublingual Aerosolized Morphine in Healthy Volunteers 미리보기
Watson, N. W Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
678 저널기사 A Pharmacological Perspective on Technology-Induced Organised Immaturity: The Care-giving Role of the Arts 미리보기
Ana Alacovska ; Peter Booth ; Christian Fieseler Philosophy Documentation Center 2023
679 저널기사 A Pharmacophore Model for PDE IV Inhibitors 미리보기
Polymeropoulos, E. E VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 1997
680 저널기사 A pharmaco-scintigraphy study of riboflavin 5'-phosphate sodium capsules(1 vs. 4 미리보기
Dansereau, R. N Elsevier/North Holland 1980
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