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88121 저널기사 The product of the ATM gene is a 370-kDa nuclear phosphoprotein 미리보기
Chen, G American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
88122 저널기사 The product of the Drosophila gene, glued, is the functional homologue of the p150^G^l^u^e^d component of the vertebrate dynactin complex 미리보기
Waterman-Storer, C. M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
88123 저널기사 The product of the mouse nude locus, Whn, regulates the balance between epithelial cell growth and differentiation 미리보기
Brissette, J. L Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain 1980
88124 저널기사 The Product of the Murine Homolog of the Drosophila extra sex combs GeneDisplays Transcriptional Repressor Activity 미리보기
Denisenko, O. N American Society for Microbiology 1980
88125 저널기사 The Product of the Proto-Oncogene c-cbl: A Negative Regulator of the SykTyrosine Kinase 미리보기
Ota, Y American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
88126 저널기사 The product of the US10 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 is a capsid/tegument-associated phosphoprotein which copurifies with the nuclear matrix 미리보기
Yamada, H Society for General Microbiology [etc.] 1980
88127 저널기사 The Product Piracy Conflict Matrix - Finding Solutions to Prevent Product Piracy 미리보기
Schuh, G.; Kreysa, J.; Haag, C. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
88128 저널기사 The Product Portfolio and Profitability - A PIMS-Based Analysis of Industrial-Product Businesses 미리보기
MacMillan, Ian C.;Hambrick, Donald C.;Day, Diana L. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1982
88129 저널기사 The product-process-organisation relationship in complex development projects 미리보기
Nightingale, P. ELSEVIER 2000
88130 저널기사 The product-relationship-matrix as framework for strategic supply chain design based on operations theory 미리보기
Seuring, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
88131 저널기사 The product-specific nature of impulse buying tendency 미리보기
Jones, M. A.; Reynolds, K. E.; Weun, S.; Beatty, S. E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
88132 저널기사 The product strategy for seasonal products 미리보기
Pitta, D. A.; Scherr, B. G. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
88133 저널기사 The product vibrational, rotational, and translational energy distribution for the reaction O(^3P~J)+O~3->2O~2: Breakdown of the spectator bond mechanism 미리보기
Mack, J. A American Institute of Physics 1980
88134 저널기사 The Pro-Employee Bent of the Roberts Court 미리보기
Taylor, L.M.D. Tennessee Law Review Association, etc.] 2012
88135 저널기사 The pro-euro campaign in trouble 미리보기
88136 저널기사 The Professional Culture of Australian Family Lawyers: Pathways to Constructive Change 미리보기
Howieson, J. Oxford University Press 2011
88137 저널기사 The Professional Development of Teachers 미리보기
88138 저널기사 The Professional Duties of the Lawyer in Business Insolvencies: An English Perspective 미리보기
Anderson, H. WILEY CHANCERY 1998
88139 저널기사 The Professionalisation of MPs: Refining the `Politics-Facilitating' Explanation 미리보기
Cairney, P. Oxford University Press 2007
88140 저널기사 The Professionalisation of Politics Reconsidered. A Study of the Swedish Cabinet 1917-2004 미리보기
Beckman, L. Oxford University Press 2007
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