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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
89081 저널기사 The Publishing House: From being to becoming - the developmental dimension in realistic work environments 미리보기
Boardman, K. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
89082 저널기사 The Publishing Patterns of Recent Economics Ph.D. Recipients 미리보기
Collins, J. T. ECONOMIC INQUIRY 2000
89083 저널기사 The Publish or Perish Book: Your Guide to Effective and Responsible Citation Analysis, by Anne-Wil Harzing 미리보기
Trau, R.N.C. Academy of Management 2012
89084 저널기사 The Publish or Teach Dilemma in Chemical Engineering/ 미리보기
Coca, Jos� Institution of Chemical Engineers 2001
89085 저널기사 The pull of Egypt: Passenger manifest 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2010
89086 저널기사 The pull-out and failure of a fiber bundle in a carbon fiber reinforced carbon matrix composite/ 미리보기
Sakai, M Pergamon Press 2000
89087 저널기사 The pulmonary alveolar proteinosis in granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor/interleukins 3/5 � receptor-deficient mice is reversed bybone marrow transplantation 미리보기
Nishinakamura, R Rockefeller University Press 1980
89088 저널기사 The pulmonary hilum twist as a thoracic damage control procedure/ 미리보기
Wilson, A Louis F. LeJacq 1900
89089 저널기사 The pulmonary physician in critical care • Illustrative case 5: HIV associated pneumonia/ 미리보기
Boyton, R. J British Medical Association 2003
89090 저널기사 The pulmonary physician in critical care • Illustrative case 6: Acute chest syndrome of sickle cell anaemia/ 미리보기
Mak, V British Medical Association 2003
89091 저널기사 The pulmonary physician in critical care • Illustrative case 7: Assessment and management of massive haemoptysis/ 미리보기
Lordan, J. L British Medical Association 2003
89092 저널기사 The pulmonary physician in critical care • Illustrative case 8: Acute respiratory failure following lung resection/ 미리보기
Beddow, E British Medical Association 2003
89093 저널기사 The pulmonary physician in critical care · Illustrative case 3: Pulmonary vasculitis/ 미리보기
Griffith, M British Medical Association 2003
89094 저널기사 The pulmonary physician in critical care · Illustrative case 4: Neuromusculoskeletal disorders/ 미리보기
Hart, N British Medical Association 2003
89095 저널기사 The Pulp and Paper Industry in India 미리보기
Meadows, D. G Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry 1980
89096 저널기사 The pulp industry Trouble at mill 미리보기
89097 저널기사 The Pulsar Contribution to the Diffuse Galactic Gamma-Ray Emission 미리보기
Pohl, M Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
89098 저널기사 The pulsar kick velocity distribution 미리보기
Hensen, B. M. S Priestley and Weale 1980
89099 저널기사 The pulsar/supernova remnant connection 미리보기
Gaensler, B. M Priestley and Weale 1980
89100 저널기사 The Pulsar Wind Nebula Around Psr B1853+01 in the Supernova Remnant W44 미리보기
Frail, D. A Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
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