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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Quadriceps Strength and Osteoarthritis Progression in Malaligned and Lax Knees/ 미리보기
Sharma American College of Physicians] 2003
2 저널기사 Quality Indicators for Appropriate Medication Use in Vulnerable Elders/ 미리보기
Knight, E L American College of Physicians] 2001
3 저널기사 Quality Indicators for Dementia in Vulnerable Community-Dwelling and Hospitalized Elders/ 미리보기
Chow, T W American College of Physicians] 2001
4 저널기사 Quality Indicators for End-of-Life Care in Vulnerable Elders/ 미리보기
Wenger, N S American College of Physicians] 2001
5 저널기사 Quality Indicators for Pain Management in Vulnerable Elders/ 미리보기
Chodosh, J American College of Physicians] 2001
6 저널기사 Quality Indicators for Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders/ 미리보기
Bates-Jensen, B M American College of Physicians] 2001
7 저널기사 Quality Indicators for the Management and Prevention of Falls and Mobility Problems-in Vulnerable Elders/ 미리보기
Rubenstein, L Z American College of Physicians] 2001
8 저널기사 Quality Indicators for the Management of Heart Failure in Vulnerable Elders/ 미리보기
Fonarow, G C American College of Physicians] 2001
9 저널기사 Quality Indicators for the Management of Osteoarthritis in Vulnerable Elders/ 미리보기
MacLean, C H American College of Physicians] 2001
10 저널기사 Quality Indicators for the Management of Osteoporosis in Vulnerable Elders/ 미리보기
Grossman, J M American College of Physicians] 2001
11 저널기사 Quality Indicators for the Management of Pneumonia in Vulnerable Elders/ 미리보기
Rhew, D C American College of Physicians] 2001
12 저널기사 Quality Indicators for the Management of Urinary Incontinence in Vulnerable Community-Dwelling Elders/ 미리보기
Schnelle, J F American College of Physicians] 2001
