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1 저널기사 QFD Explained 미리보기
Johnson, Corinne N. American Society for Quality Control 2016
2 저널기사 Quality: A Profession to Stay In Salary by years of experience in quality 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2018
3 저널기사 Quality Around the Clock: A collection of stories about how quality made its way into QP readers' lives outside of work 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2012
4 저널기사 Quality Curriculum: One business school's curriculum to educate MBA students about quality management and continuous improvement could be used to teach managers and executives about quality principles 미리보기
Taylor, J.B.; Sinn, J.W.; Lightfoot, W.S. American Society for Quality Control 2012
5 저널기사 Quality for Tomorrow Meeting customer requirements is today's baseline 미리보기
Merrill, P. American Society for Quality Control 2012
6 저널기사 QUALITY HISTORY Always Applicable W. Edwards Deming's system of profound knowledge remains essential for management and quality professionals to understand the messiness of today's business world and develop ways of moving forward 미리보기
Moen, Ronald D.; Norman, Clifford L. American Society for Quality Control 2016
7 저널기사 Quality in the First Person Blindness didn't stop one professional's quality quest 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2016
8 저널기사 Quality in the First Person: Carrying social responsibility over into your personal life 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2013
9 저널기사 Quality in the First Person Forming good habits through quality 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2016
10 저널기사 Quality in the First Person Quality lessons from grandma 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2014
11 저널기사 Quality in the First Person Reasons for reliability professionals 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2016
12 저널기사 Quality in the First Person The never-ending journey toward perfection 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2016
13 저널기사 Quality in the First Person The superhero status of quality engineers 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2014
14 저널기사 Quality in the First Person: Unsolved problems you can't let go 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2013
15 저널기사 Quality in the First Person When auditing, there's no need to act like Newman 미리보기
unknown American Society for Quality Control 2015
16 저널기사 QUALITY MANAGEMENT Whole New World Quality experts rethink Deming's 14 points for a new generation of quality professionals 미리보기
Conklin, J.D. American Society for Quality Control 2014
17 연속간행물 Quality progress 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
American Society for Quality Control American Society for Quality Control 1968-
18 저널기사 Quality's New Frontier The case for implementing continuous improvement tools within an organization's marketing and sales functions 미리보기
Goodman, John; Feldman, Ken American Society for Quality Control 2017
19 저널기사 QUALITY TOOLS Designing a Fix By analyzing voice of the customer data and failure modes and using Six Sigma, a team changed an organization's disjointed sales and operations planning process. In the end, the new process reduced planning cycle time, boosted productivity and improved customer satisfaction scores 미리보기
Chidambaram, Maharajan American Society for Quality Control 2016
20 저널기사 Quality vs. Safety In the oil and gas industries, quality can no longer be viewed as a nice-to-have feature. Today, quality must be considered a top priority to ensure safety throughout an organization's operations and processes 미리보기
Ghaleiw, M. American Society for Quality Control 2013
