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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
3161 저널기사 Quantum biology Nature, the physicist 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
3162 저널기사 Quantum Bit Regeneration 미리보기
Chuang, I. L American Physical Society 1980
3163 저널기사 Quantum Bit String Commitment/ 미리보기
Kent, A American Physical Society 2003
3164 저널기사 Quantum black holes from quantum collapse (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Vaz, Cenalo Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
3165 저널기사 Quantum Borel kinematics on three-dimensional manifolds and knot groups 미리보기
Doebner, H. D The Institute of Physics 1980
3166 저널기사 Quantum box energies as a route to the ground state levels of self-assembled InAs pyramidal dots/ 미리보기
Califano, M American Institute of Physics 2000
3167 저널기사 Quantum box energy spectroscopy by 3D-0D resonant tunnelling 미리보기
Faini, G North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
3168 저널기사 Quantum boxes as active probes for photonic microstructures: The pillar microcavity case 미리보기
Gerard, J. M American Institute of Physics 1980
3169 저널기사 Quantum Brain States/ 미리보기
Mould, R. A Plenum Press 2003
3170 저널기사 Quantum Breathers in a Nonlinear Lattice 미리보기
Wang, W. Z American Physical Society 1980
3171 저널기사 Quantum cables as transport spectroscope for quasi-one-dimensional density of states of cylindrical quantum wires/ 미리보기
Zeng, Z Y American Institute of Physics 2000
3172 저널기사 Quantum calculation of photodetachment spectrum of OH^-(H~2) 미리보기
Zhang, J. Z. H. Wang, D. Yu, C.-H. North Holland 1997
3173 저널기사 Quantum calculations for line shapes in Raman spectra of molecular nitrogen 미리보기
Green, S American Institute of Physics 1980
3174 저널기사 Quantum calculations for rotational energy transfer in nitrogen moleculecollisions 미리보기
Huo, W. M American Institute of Physics 1980
3175 저널기사 Quantum capacitor at a metal-liquid interface/ 미리보기
Zypman, Fredy R Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 2001
3176 저널기사 Quantum cascade disk lasers 미리보기
Faist, J American Institute of Physics 1980
3177 저널기사 Quantum Cascade Lasers without Intersubband Population Inversion 미리보기
Faist, J American Physical Society 1980
3178 저널기사 Quantum Cells Make a Bid to Outshrink Transistors 미리보기
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
3179 저널기사 Quantum-cellular-automata quantum computing with endohedral fullerenes (12 pages 미리보기
Twamley, J Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
3180 저널기사 Quantum Change in the Fragmented Metropolis: Political Environment and Homeless Policy in New York City 미리보기
Main, T. J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
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