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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
501 저널기사 QALY as an Estimator of Social Benefits or Anti-Drug Strategies 미리보기
Rhodd, R. G. 00 1993
502 저널기사 Qalys: A comment 미리보기
Johannesson, M. ELSEVIER 1995
503 저널기사 Qalys: A comment 미리보기
Johannesson, Magnus North-Holland Pub. Co 1995
504 저널기사 QALYs and HYEs Spotting the differences 미리보기
Gafni, A. ELSEVIER 1997
505 저널기사 QALYs and HYEs: Under what conditions are they equivalent? 미리보기
Bleichrodt, H. ELSEVIER 1995
506 저널기사 QALYs, standard gambles, and the expected budget constraint 미리보기
Blomqvist, A. ELSEVIER 2002
507 저널기사 QALYs versus HYEs 미리보기
Culyer, A. J. ELSEVIER 1993
508 저널기사 QALYs versus HYEs: A reply to Gafni, Birch and Mehrez 미리보기
Culyer, A. J. ELSEVIER 1995
509 저널기사 QALYs versus HYEs - what's right and what's wrong. A review of the controversy 미리보기
Ried, W. ELSEVIER 1998
510 저널기사 QALYs Versus WTP 미리보기
511 저널기사 QAMBER, "Yeats and the Noh: With Two Plays for Dancers by Yeats and Two Noh Plays" (Book Review) 미리보기
TEELE, ROY E. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1976
512 저널기사 Q&A Milo Edwards 미리보기
Milo Edwards Royal Institute of International Affairs 2018
513 저널기사 Q&A Biometrics expert sees the technology pushing into retail 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
514 저널기사 Q&A: Macy's CEO Terry Lundgren reflects on his tenure as NRF chairman 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
515 저널기사 Q&A: Sandy Broderick, DTCC A reporting avalanche 미리보기
Maxwell, F.; Wood, D. Incisive Media enkPublication 2014
516 저널기사 Q&A Sports Basement keeps customers top-of-mind with software platform 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
517 저널기사 Q&A: Top Issues in Business Valuation 미리보기
Baysden, C. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2013
518 저널기사 Q&A What retailers need to know - and do - as Obamacare is phased in 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2013
519 저널기사 Q&A With many touchpoints, retail crisis management demands planning, vigilance 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
520 저널기사 q-analysis of Fractal Sets 미리보기
Erzan, A American Physical Society 1980
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