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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
321 저널기사 Racing Horsefeathers 미리보기
Sikand, M.; Stinchcombe, S.; Livesley, P. J. ECONOMIST NEWSPAPER LTD 2003
322 저널기사 Racism, Ethnicity and Criminology: Developing Minority Perspectives 미리보기
Phillips, C.; Bowling, B. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2003
323 저널기사 Racism or Sexism? Attributional Ambiguity and Simultaneous Membership in Multiple Oppressed Groups/ 미리보기
King, K. R V.H. Winston [etc.] 2003
324 저널기사 Raconter et mourir, de T. Hentsch/ 미리보기
Perrin, P NRF 2003
325 저널기사 Rad51 Recombinase and Recombination Mediators/ 미리보기
Sung, P American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
326 저널기사 Rad52-Independent Accumulation of Joint Circular Minichromosomes during S Phase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae/ 미리보기
Wellinger, R. E American Society for Microbiology 2003
327 저널기사 Rad53 Checkpoint Kinase Phosphorylation Site Preference Identified in the Swi6 Protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae/ 미리보기
Sidorova, J. M American Society for Microbiology 2003
328 저널기사 Radial and angular correlations and the classification of intershell 2l2l\'3l\" triply excited states of atoms (13 pages)/ 미리보기
Morishita, T Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
329 저널기사 Radial artery patency and clinical outcomes: five-year interim results of a randomized trial/ 미리보기
Buxton, B. F C.V. Mosby 2003
330 저널기사 Radial Artery Patency: Are Aortocoronary Conduits Superior to Composite Grafting 미리보기
Maniar Little, Brown & Co., etc.] 2003
331 저널기사 Radial basis function neural networks for nonlinear Fisher discrimination and Neyman-Pearson classification/ 미리보기
Chen, X. w. Casasent, D. Pergamon 2003
332 저널기사 Radial choroidal ruptures in sclopetaria/ 미리보기
Maguluri, S Elsevier Science Pub 2003
333 저널기사 Radial distribution of porosity in spherical activated carbon particles/ 미리보기
Robau-Sanchez, A Pergamon Press 2003
334 저널기사 Radial Error Feedback Control for Bar Turning in CNC Turning Centers/ 미리보기
Fan, C American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
335 저널기사 Radial focusing of electron wave packets using linearly chirped intense pulses (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Bouchene, M. A Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
336 저널기사 Radial Half of Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Tendon as Graft to Elongate Muscle Tendon Unit for Correction of Finger Clawing/ 미리보기
Malaviya, G. N Williams & Wilkins 2003
337 저널기사 Radial intratumoral increase and correlation of microvessels and proliferation in solid breast carcinoma/ 미리보기
Begum, R Blackwell Scientific Publications 2003
338 저널기사 Radially symmetric wave maps from (1 + 2)-dimensional Minkowski space to the sphere/ 미리보기
Struwe, M J. Springer 2003
339 저널기사 Radial mass-transfer enhancement in bubble-train flow/ 미리보기
Gruber, R Pergamon Press 2003
340 저널기사 Radial solutions for the Ginzburg-Landau equation with applied magnetic field 미리보기
Sauvageot, M Pergamon Press 2003
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