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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
72461 저널기사 The role of emotions in dermatoses/ 미리보기
Frumess, G.M American Medical Association 1953
72462 저널기사 The Role of Emotions in Risk Communication 미리보기
Xie, X. F.; Wang, M.; Zhang, R. G.; Li, J.; Yu, Q. Y. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
72463 저널기사 The Role of Emotions in Self-control Dilemmas. 미리보기
Pocheptsova, Anastasiya Association for Consumer Research 2010
72464 저널기사 The role of emotions in the endowment effect 미리보기
Lin, C. H.; Chuang, S. C.; Kao, D. T.; Kung, C. Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
72465 저널기사 The Role of Emotions in the Process of Making Choices about Welfare Services: The Experiences of Disabled People in England 미리보기
Kate Baxter ; Caroline Glendinning Cambridge University Press 2013
72466 저널기사 The Role of Empathy and Efficacy In Public Service Announcements: Using Narratives to Induce Bystander Intervention in Domestic Violence 미리보기
EUNJIN (ANNA) KIM ; SIDHARTH MURALIDHARAN World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2020
72467 저널기사 The Role of Empathy in Bias towards Mental Illness among Prospective Law Enforcement Officers 미리보기
Kayla Gomez ; Stephanie Robertson Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2023
72468 저널기사 The role of empathy in reducing hate speech proliferation. Two contact-based interventions in online and off-line settings. 미리보기
Soral, Wiktor; Malinowska, Katarzyna; Bilewicz, Michał Lawrence Erlbaum Associates : Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association. 2022
72469 저널기사 The Role of Employee Coping and Performance in Voluntary Employee Withdrawal: A Research Refinement and Elaboration 미리보기
Wright, T. A. JAI PRESS INC 1993
72470 저널기사 The Role of Employee Effort in Satisfaction with Service Transactions 미리보기
72471 저널기사 The role of employee engagement in the relationship between job design and task performance, citizenship and deviant behaviours 미리보기
Shantz, A.; Alfes, K.; Truss, C.; Soane, E. Routledge 2013
72472 저널기사 The role of employee engagement in the relationship between job design and task performance, citizenship and deviant behaviours 미리보기
Shantz, A.; Alfes, K.; Truss, C.; Soane, E. Routledge 2013
72473 저널기사 The Role of Employee Flexible Spending Accounts in Health Care Financing 미리보기
Schweitzer, M American Public Health Association 1980
72474 저널기사 The role of employee job satisfaction in strengthening customer repurchase intentions 미리보기
Gounaris, S.; Boukis, A. EMERALD 2013
72475 저널기사 The role of employee participation in generating and commercialising innovations: insights from Chinese high-tech firms 미리보기
Kesting, Peter; Song, Lynda Jiwen; Qin, Zhihua; Krol, Michal Routledge 2016
72476 저널기사 The role of employee psychological well-being in cardiovascular health: when the twain shall meet 미리보기
Wright, T. A.; Cropanzano, R.; Bonett, D. G.; Diamond, W. J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
72477 저널기사 The Role of Employee Reactions in Predicting Training Effectiveness 미리보기
Tan, J. A.; Hall, R. J.; Boyce, C. JOSSEY-BASS PUBLISHERS 2003
72478 저널기사 The role of employees in encouraging customer adoption of new gaming machine payment technologies 미리보기
Nisbet, S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
72479 저널기사 The Role of Employer and Workplace Size in the US Federal Sector Job Queue 미리보기
Heywood, J. S. BLACKWELL 1994
72480 저널기사 The role of employers' beliefs in the evaluation of educational output 미리보기
Bailly, F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
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