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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
74821 저널기사 The role of works councils in severance payments for dismissed employees 미리보기
Grund, Christian; Martin, Johannes Routledge 2021
74822 저널기사 The role of World War II in the rise of women's employment. 미리보기
Goldin C.D American Economic Assonication
74823 저널기사 The role of writers and Intellectuals in a Developing Society / 미리보기
Mohammed, Hakim 1980
74824 저널기사 The Role of Writing in Distributed Collaboration 미리보기
Fayard, A.-L.; Metiu, A. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
74825 저널기사 The role of yan in mediating the choice between cell division and differentiation 미리보기
Rogge, R Company of Biologists 1980
74826 저널기사 The role of Yin-Yang leadership and cosmopolitan followership in fostering employee commitment in China: A paradox perspective 미리보기
Hyun-Jung Lee; Carol Reade Emerald Group Publishing Limited
74827 저널기사 The role of Yin-Yang leadership and cosmopolitan followership in fostering employee commitment in China: A paradox perspective 미리보기
Hyun-Jung Lee; Carol Reade Emerald Group Publishing Limited
74828 저널기사 The Role of Zinc in Selective Neuronal Death After Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia 미리보기
Koh, J.-Y American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
74829 저널기사 The role of zinc ions in reverse transport mediated by monoamine transporters 미리보기
Scholze, P.; Norregaard, L.; Singer, E. A.; Freissmuth, M.; Gether, U.; Sitte, H. H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
74830 저널기사 The role of zinc (Zn) in lead (Pb)-induced reproductive toxicity/ 미리보기
Benoff, S. H American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
74831 저널기사 The Role of �1 (Connexin-43) Gap Junction Expression in Adrenal Cortical Cell Function 미리보기
Oyoyo, U. A Association for the Study of Internal Secretions 1980
74832 저널기사 The role of �amma and �amma complexes in the assembly of human fibrinogen 미리보기
Huang, S American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
74833 저널기사 The role of �� integrin in wound contraction. A quantitative analysis of liver myofibroblasts in vivo and in primary culture 미리보기
Racine-Samson, L American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
74834 저널기사 The role played by Frederick Taylor in the rise of the academic management fields 미리보기
Schachter, H. L. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
74835 저널기사 The role played by interdependences in ERP implementations: An empirical analysis of critical factors that minimize elapsed time 미리보기
Santamaria-Sanchez, L.; Nunez-Nickel, M.; Gago-Rodriguez, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
74836 저널기사 The role played by perceived usability, satisfaction and consumer trust on website loyalty 미리보기
Flavian, C.; Guinaliu, M.; Gurrea, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
74837 저널기사 The role played by trust in imposing vicarious liability on the state for the intentionally committed violent crimes of police officers 미리보기
A.B. Wessels Juta 2018
74838 저널기사 The role quality professionals play in the pharmaceutical product registration process 미리보기
unknown IQA 2012
74839 저널기사 The Role Representation in Behavioral Intent Questions 미리보기
Levav, J.; Fitzsimons, G. Association for Consumer Research 2005
74840 저널기사 The Roles a "Civil Society" Can Play in International Dispute Resolution 미리보기
Sorensen, G. M. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002
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