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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
74861 저널기사 The Roles of Consumer Ethnocentricity and Attitude Toward a Foreign Culture in processing Foreign Country-of-Origin Advertisements 미리보기
Moon, B.-J Association for Consumer Research 1980
74862 저널기사 The Roles of Consumer Ethnocentricity and Attitude Toward a Foreign Culture in processing Foreign Country-of-Origin Advertisements 미리보기
74863 저널기사 The roles of consumer ethnocentrism, animosity, and cosmopolitanism in sponsorship effects 미리보기
Richard Lee ; Marc Mazodier Emerald
74864 저널기사 The Roles of Corporatization and Stock Market Listing in Reforming China?? State Industry 미리보기
Zhang, L. Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
74865 저널기사 The roles of cross-cultural adjustment and social capital formation in the dynamic capabilities development of multiunit organizations. 미리보기
Po-Yen Lee College of Management, National Cheng Kung University 2018
74866 저널기사 The Roles of Demographics, Purchase Histories, and Shopper Decision-Making Styles in Predicting Consumer Catalog Loyalty 미리보기
McDonald, W. J. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1993
74867 저널기사 The roles of destination, gender, and household composition in explaining remittances: an analysis for the Dominican Sierra 미리보기
de la Briere, B.; Sadoulet, E.; de Janvry, A.; Lambert, S. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
74868 저널기사 The roles of electricity and ICT in economic growth: Case Finland 미리보기
Jalava, J.; Pohjola, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2008
74869 저널기사 The roles of engrailed 미리보기
Hidalgo, A Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1980
74870 저널기사 The roles of enterprise systems in e-initiative implementation: A case study of PowerCo 미리보기
Pan, S. L.; Tan, C. W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
74871 저널기사 The Roles of Evaluation for Vocational Education and Training: Plain Talk on the Field of Dreams 미리보기
Mane, F. PERGAMON 2002
74872 저널기사 The roles of expatriates' spouses among dual career couples 미리보기
Makela, L.; Kansala, M.; Suutari, V. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
74873 저널기사 The roles of financial asset market failure denial and the economic crisis: Reflections on accounting and financial theories and practices 미리보기
McSweeney, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
74874 저널기사 The roles of firms' motives in affecting the outcomes of ISO 9000 adoption 미리보기
Prajogo, D. I. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
74875 저널기사 The Roles of gamma1 Heavy Chain Membrane Expression and Cytoplasmic Tailin IgG1 Responses 미리보기
Kaisho, T American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
74876 저널기사 The Roles of Gender and Affirmative Action Attitude in Reactions to Test Score Use Methods/ 미리보기
Truxillo, Donald M V.H. Winston [etc.] 2000
74877 저널기사 The Roles of Glycine Residues in the ATP Binding Site of Human Brain Hexokinase 미리보기
Zeng, C American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
74878 저널기사 The Roles of Grignard Reagent in the Ziegler-Natta Catalyst for Propylene Polymerization 미리보기
Xu, J Wiley 1997
74879 저널기사 The Roles of Group Membership, Beliefs, and Norms in Ecological Risk Perception 미리보기
Willis, H. H.; DeKay, M. L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
74880 저널기사 The roles of habit and web site quality in e-commerce 미리보기
Liao, C.; Palvia, P.; Lin, H. N. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
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