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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
74901 저널기사 The Roles of N- and C-terminal Determinants in the Activation of the Kv2.1 Potassium Channel 미리보기
Ju, M.; Stevens, L.; Leadbitter, E.; Wray, D. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
74902 저널기사 The roles of national quality infrastructure toward the sustainable production of biofuels in Africa 미리보기
Goncalves, J. Inderscience 2012
74903 저널기사 The roles of OCB and automation in the relationship between job autonomy and organizational performance: a moderated mediation model 미리보기
Park, Rhokeun Routledge 2018
74904 저널기사 The Roles of Organizational Politics and Fairness in the Relationship between Performance Management Systems and Trust 미리보기
Lau, Chong M.; Scully, Glennda American Accounting Association 2015
74905 저널기사 The roles of ownership, ecology, and economics in public wetland-conservation decisions 미리보기
Ando, A. W.; Getzner, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
74906 저널기사 The Roles of Perceived Value, Perceived Equity and Relational Commitment in a Disconfirmation Paradigm Framework: An Initial Assessment in a `Relationship-Rich' Consumption Environment 미리보기
Musa, R.; Pallister, J.; Robson, M. Association for Consumer Research 2005
74907 저널기사 The Roles of Performance Measures and Monitoring in Annual Governance Decisions in Entrepreneurial Firms 미리보기
Engel, E.; Gordon, E. A.; Hayes, R. M. Institute of Professional Accounting, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago ; London School of Economics and Political Science, Univer 2002
74908 저널기사 The roles of political and business ties in new ventures: Evidence from China 미리보기
Ya-Hui Lin New York, NY : Palgrave 2014
74909 저널기사 The Roles of Product Characteristics and Framing Effects in the Effectiveness of Cause-Related Marketing 미리보기
Chang, C.-T.; Lee, Y.-K. Association for Consumer Research 2008
74910 저널기사 The roles of product lead-users and product experts in new product evaluation 미리보기
Ozer, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
74911 저널기사 The Roles of Pteridine Reductase 1 and Dihydrofolate Reductase-Thymidylate Synthase in Pteridine Metabolism in the Protozoan Parasite Leishmania major 미리보기
Nare, B American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
74912 저널기사 The roles of reputation and transparency on the behavior of biased experts 미리보기
Bourjade, S.; Jullien, B. Rand Corp. 2011
74913 저널기사 The roles of reward structures and project characteristics in Taiwan's high-tech new product development team performance 미리보기
Ho, Y.-C.; Lai, C.-S.; Tai, C.-L. Inderscience 2010
74914 저널기사 The roles of Rirol and Ngrol genes in hairy root induction in Nicotiana debneyi/ 미리보기
Aoki, Seishiro Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd 2000
74915 저널기사 The roles of service encounters, service value, and job satisfaction in achieving customer satisfaction in business relationships 미리보기
Gil, I.; Berenguer, G.; Cervera, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
74916 저널기사 The Roles of Settler Canadians within Decolonization: Re-evaluating Invitation, Belonging and Rights 미리보기
Deanne Aline Marie Leblanc University of Toronto Press. 2021
74917 저널기사 The roles of specific xanthophylls in photoprotection 미리보기
Niyogi, K. K National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
74918 저널기사 The roles of SsrA-SsrB and OmpR-EnvZ in the regulation of genes encoding the Salmonella typhimurium SPI-2 type III secretion system/ 미리보기
Garmendia, J Society for General Microbiology 2003
74919 저널기사 The roles of stakeholder support and procedure-oriented management on asset recovery 미리보기
Wong, C. W.; Lai, K. h.; Cheng, T. C.; Lun, Y. H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
74920 저널기사 The roles of tacit knowledge and OCB in the relationship between group-based pay and firm performance 미리보기
Kim, H.; Gong, Y. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
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