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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
75021 저널기사 The Roots, Rituals, and Rhetorics of Change: North American Business Schools after the Second World War. ByMie Augier and James G. March. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011. x + 364 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 978-0-8047-7616-5. 미리보기
Lars Engwall Cambridge University Press
75022 저널기사 The Roper-Logan-Tierney model of nursing based on activities of living/ 미리보기
Akinsanya, Cynthia Y Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
75023 저널기사 The Rop GTPase: an emerging signaling switch in plants/ 미리보기
Zheng, Zhi-Liang Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk 2000
75024 저널기사 The Rorschach test A few blots in the copybook 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2011
75025 저널기사 The Rosa Luxemburg Myth: A Critique of Luxemburg's Politics in Poland (1893—1919) 미리보기
Blanc, Eric Brill Academic Publisher 2017
75026 저널기사 The Rosat All-Sky Survey of Active Binary Coronae. III. Quiescent Coronal Properties for the by Draconis-Type Binaries 미리보기
Dempsey, R. C Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
75027 저널기사 The Rosat Brightest Cluster Sample (BCS): The Cluster X-Ray Luminosity Function Within z - O.3 미리보기
Ebeling, H Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
75028 저널기사 The ROSAT cataclysmic variable RX J2353.0-3852 미리보기
Abbott, T. M. C Springer-Verlag 1997
75029 저널기사 The Rosat Deep Cluster Survey: The X-ray Luminosity Function Out to z = 0.8 미리보기
Rosati, P Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
75030 저널기사 The ROSAT deep survey. II. Optical identification, photometry and spectra of X-ray sources in the Lockman field 미리보기
Schmidt, M Springer-Verlag 1980
75031 저널기사 The ROSAT Deep Survey. I. X-ray sources in the Lockman Field 미리보기
Hasinger, G Springer-Verlag 1980
75032 저널기사 The ROSAT galactic plane survey: analysis of a low latitude sample area in Cygnus 미리보기
Motch, C Springer-Verlag 1997
75033 저널기사 The Rosat HRI X-Ray Survey of the Cygnus Loop 미리보기
Levenson, N. A Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
75034 저널기사 The ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole Deep Survey 미리보기
Bower, R. G Priestley and Weale 1980
Voges, W Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 2001
75036 저널기사 The ROSAT-PSPC Spectrum of Bright Low-z Quasars 미리보기
Ulrich-Demoulin, M.-H Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
75037 저널기사 The ROSAT UK Medium Sensitivity Survey: optical identification and relation to X-ray spectral properties 미리보기
Carballo, R Priestley and Weale 1980
75038 저널기사 The ROSAT X-ray spectra of BL Lacetrae objects 미리보기
Padovani, P Priestley and Weale 1980
75039 저널기사 The Rosseland Mean Opacity of a Mixture of Gold and Gadolinium at High Temperatures 미리보기
Orzechowski, T. J American Physical Society 1980
75040 저널기사 The Ross Procedure in Adults: Intermediate-Term Results/ 미리보기
Fullerton, D. A Little, Brown & Co., etc.] 2003
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