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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
801 저널기사 A Reexamination of the Efficiency of Price and Output Indexed Sovereign Debt Contracts 미리보기
Bandopadhyaya, A. 00 1995
802 저널기사 A re-examination of the empirical evidence concerning colonial Virginia's paper money, 1755-1774: a comment on Grubb 미리보기
Ronald Michener Cambridge University Press for the European Association for Banking History 2019
803 저널기사 A reexamination of the equity-premium puzzle: A robust non-parametric approach 미리보기
Lim, G. C.; Maasoumi, E.; Martin, V. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
804 저널기사 A Re-examination of the Excess Smoothness Puzzle when Consumers Estimate the Income Process 미리보기
Banerjee, A. N. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2001
805 저널기사 A re-examination of the exchange rate-interest differential relationship: evidence from Germany and Japan 미리보기
806 저널기사 A re-examination of the Fiorina-Plott and Eavey voting experiments: How much do cardinal payoffs 미리보기
Grelak, Eric North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
807 저널기사 A re-examination of the Fiorina-Plott and Eavey voting experiments: How much do cardinal payoffs influence outcomes? 미리보기
Grelak, E. ELSEVIER 1997
808 저널기사 A Re-Examination of the Forward Exchange Rate Unbiasedness Hypothesis 미리보기
Ngama, Y. L. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1994
809 저널기사 A reexamination of the hydrophobic effect: Exploring the role of the solvent model in computing the methane-methane potential of mean force 미리보기
Young, W. S American Institute of Physics 1980
810 저널기사 A Reexamination of the Impact of Decision Conflict on Choice Deferral 미리보기
Ioannis Evangelidis; Jonathan Levav; Itamar Simonson. Institute of Management Sciences] 2023
811 저널기사 A reexamination of the issuance and investment anomalies in interational markets 미리보기
Walkshäusl, Christian; Lobe, Sebastian Handelsblatt gmbh 2014
812 저널기사 A Reexamination of the Issuance and Investment Anomalies in International Markets 미리보기
Walkshäusl, C.; Lobe, S. Handelsblatt gmbh 2014
813 저널기사 A re-examination of the Japanese money demand function and structural shifts 미리보기
Nagayasu, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
814 저널기사 A Reexamination of the Kinky Oligopoly Demand Curve 미리보기
Walter J. Primeaux, Jr. ; Mark R. Bomball University of Chicago Press
815 저널기사 A reexamination of the market efficiency hypothesis: Evidence from an electronic intra-day, inter-dealer FX market 미리보기
Lo, M.; Lee, C. F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
816 저널기사 A re-examination of the meaning and importance of supplier-induced demand 미리보기
Labelle, R. ELSEVIER 1994
817 저널기사 A re-examination of the meaning and importance of supplier-induced demand 미리보기
Pauly, M. V. ELSEVIER 1994
818 저널기사 A re-examination of the meaning and importance of supplier-induced demand: Reply 미리보기
Pauly, M. V. ELSEVIER 1994
819 저널기사 A re-examination of the measure of damages under time charterparties 미리보기
Song, M. Lawtext 2014
820 저널기사 A Reexamination of the Mechanism of the Biginelli Dihydropyrimidine Synthesis. Support for an N-Acyliminium Ion Intermediate 미리보기
Kappe, C. O American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
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