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1 연속간행물 SABRAO journal 미리보기
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Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania 19--
2 단행본 Sacco and Vanzetti:the men, the murders, and the judgment of mankind 미리보기
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Bruce Watson Viking 2007 URL
3 단행본 Sacred violence:torture, terror, and sovereignty 미리보기
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Paul W. Kahn University of Michigan Press 2008
4 연속간행물 SAE handbook 미리보기
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Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers 192-
5 단행본 Saemaul undong:English summaries of research articles on the Saemaul undong vol.12 미리보기
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[editors, Moon Hui Choe, James P. Bowers, Kazimiera Piotrowski] The Headquarters of Saemaul Undong 1987
6 단행본 Safe Drinking Water Act:amendments, regulations, and standards 미리보기
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edited by Edward J. Calabrese, Charles E. Gilbert, Harris Pastides Lewis Publishers 1989
7 단행본 The safety Utopia:contemporary discontent and desire as to crime and punishment 미리보기
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by Hans Boutellier Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004
8 단행본 Sait's American parties and elections 미리보기
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Howard R. Penniman Appleton-Century-Crofts 1952
9 단행본 The sale of flats 미리보기
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by Edward F. George and Arthur George Sweet & Maxwell 1984
10 단행본 Sale of goods and consumer credit 미리보기
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A. P. Dobson Sweet & Maxwell 1979
11 단행본 Sale of goods:reading and applying the code 미리보기
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by Carol L. Chomsky and Christina L. Kunz Thomson/West 2004
12 단행본 Sales and leases 미리보기
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James Brook Wolter Kluwer Law & Business 2012
13 단행본 Sales:cases and materials 미리보기
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by Marion W. Benfield, William D. Hawkland Foundation Press; Thomson/West 2004
14 단행본 Sales:cases and materials 미리보기
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by Marion W. Benfield, Jr., Michael M. Greenfield Foundation Press/Thomson Reuters 2011 URL
15 단행본 Sales:(PEL S) 미리보기
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prepared by Ewoud Hondius ... [et al.] ; in collaboration with the Dutch Working Team, with advice from the Advisory Council and the Drafting Commit Oxford University Press 2008
16 단행본 The salesperson's legal guide 미리보기
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Steven Mitchell Sack & Howard Jay Steinberg Prentice-Hall 1981
17 단행본 Sales transactions: domestic and international law:cases, problems, and materials 미리보기
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by John O. Honnold, Curtis R. Reitz Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2006
18 단행본 Salt water neighbors:international ocean law relations between the United States and Canada 미리보기
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Ted L. McDorman Oxford University Press 2009
19 단행본 Salvage work : U.S. and Caribbean literatures amid the debris of legal personhood 미리보기
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Angela Naimou Fordham University Press 2015
20 단행본 Same Sex, Different States:when same-sex marriages cross state lines 미리보기
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Andrew Koppelman Yale University Press 2006
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