1 |
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Terra Lawson-Remer, and Susan Randolph, Fulfilling Social and Economic Rights
Kenyon, Kristi Heather
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
2 |
Samuel A. Greene. Moscow in Movement: Power and Opposition in Putin's Russia
Vladimir Gel'man
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
3 |
Scaling Democracy: Participation and Resource Extraction in Latin America
Riofrancos, Thea N.
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
4 |
SerdarTekin, Founding Acts: Constitutional Origins in a Democratic Age.
Jamie, Mayerfeld
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
5 |
Spectacles of Sovereignty in Digital Time: ISIS Executions, Visual Rhetoric and Sovereign Power
Euben, Roxanne L.
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
6 |
Stacey Hunter Hecht and David Schultz, Presidential Swing States: Why Only Ten Matter
Norpoth, Helmut
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
7 |
Stacy Clifford Simplican, The Capacity Contract: Intellectual Disability and the Question of Citizenship
Davy, Laura
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
8 |
Stephanie M. Burchard, Electoral Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
9 |
Stephen Eric Bronner, The Bigot: Why Prejudice Exists
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
10 |
Stephen G. Brooks and William C. Wohlforth, America Abroad: The United States ' Global Role in the 21st Century.
Jeffrey W., Meiser
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
11 |
Steven B. Smith, Modernity and Its Discontents: Making and Unmaking the Bourgeois from Machiavelli to Bellow
Thiele, Leslie Paul
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
12 |
Steven H. Shiffrin, What Is Wrong with the First Amendment?
Failer, Judith Lynn
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
13 |
Stuart N. Soroka, Negativity in Democratic Politics: Causes and Consequences.
Matthew, Hibbing
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
14 |
Susan B. Haire and Laura P. Moyer, Diversity Matters: Judicial Policy Making in the U.S. Courts of Appeals
Caufield, Rachel Paine
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
15 |
Susanne A. Wengle. Post-Soviet Power: State-Led Development and Russia's Marketization
Thomas F., Remington
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
16 |
Susan Thomson, Whispering Truth to Power: Everyday Resistance to Reconciliation in Postgenocide Rwanda
Chakravarty, Anuradha
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association
17 |
Suzanne Maloney, Iran's Political Economy since the Revolution
Mohseni, Payam
Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association