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1 저널기사 A Simple and Approximately Optimal Mechanism for a Buyer with Complements 미리보기
Eden, Alon; Feldman, Michal; Friedler, Ophir; Talgam-Cohen, Inbal; Weinberg, S. Matthew Operations Research Society of America : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, etc.] 2021
2 저널기사 A Simple Nudge to Boost Diversity 미리보기
Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 2021
3 저널기사 A Simple Rule for Pricing with Limited Knowledge of Demand 미리보기
Cohen, Maxime C.; Perakis, Georgia; Pindyck, Robert S. Institute of Management Sciences] 2021
4 저널기사 A Small World War 미리보기
Georgi Derluguian New Left Review Ltd.] 2021
5 저널기사 A Smarter Public Safety Model 미리보기
RONAL W. SERPAS International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
6 저널기사 A Space-Time Permutation Scan Statistic for Evaluating County-Level Tickborne Disease Clusters in Indiana, 2009-2016 미리보기
Oghenekaro Omodior Mary Ann Liebert 2021
7 저널기사 A Space-Time Permutation Scan Statistic for Evaluating County-Level Tickborne Disease Clusters in Indiana, 2009-2016 미리보기
Oghenekaro Omodior Mary Ann Liebert 2021
8 저널기사 A Stochastic Programming Approach for Locating and Dispatching Two Types of Ambulances 미리보기
Yoon, Soovin; Albert, Laura A.; White, Veronica M. Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS. 2021
9 저널기사 A Study of the Effectiveness of Governmental Strategies for Managing Mortality from COVID-19 미리보기
William Clyde ; Andreas Kakolyris ; Georgios Koimisis Eastern Economic Association 2021
10 저널기사 A Study of the Factors That Influence the Willingness of Users to Leave Comments on E-Commerce Platforms 미리보기
11 저널기사 A Summary of Early Critical Audit Matter Reporting. 미리보기
Jian Zhang ; Pany Kurt New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2021
12 저널기사 A surrogate similarity measure for the mean-variance frontier optimisation problem under bound and cardinality constraints 미리보기
Guijarro, Francisco; Tsinaslanidis, Prodromos E. Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2021
13 저널기사 A Survey of Tax Analytics and Automation Technologies. 미리보기
Krawczyk Kathy ; Al Chen Y. S. ; Dirienzo Jennie New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2021
14 저널기사 A survey on experimental elicitation of creativity in economics 미리보기
Giuseppe Attanasi ; Michela Chessa ; Sara Gil-Gallen ; Patrick Llerena Editions techniques et e?conomiques. 2021
15 저널기사 A systematic mapping review of European Political Science 미리보기
Francisco Mas-Verdu ; Jose-Maria Garcia-Alvarez-Coque ; Norat Roig-Tierno PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD. 2021
16 저널기사 A systematic review of crime facilitated by the consumer Internet of Things 미리보기
John M. Blythe ; Shane D. Johnson Butterworths 2021
17 저널기사 SächsOVG, Beschluss vom 16.7.2020 – 6 B 318/19 – Vorläufiger vorbeugender Rechtsschutz 미리보기
W. Kohlhammer 2021
18 저널기사 SächsOVG, Beschluss vom 24.11.2020 – 1 A 1091/18 – Anwendungsbereich des § 128 a VwGO 미리보기
W. Kohlhammer 2021
19 저널기사 SächsOVG, Beschluss vom 26.10.2020 – 1 B 259/20 – Bergrechtliche Untersagungsverfügung; Störerhaftung 미리보기
W. Kohlhammer 2021
20 저널기사 SächsOVG, Beschluss vom 26.1.2021 – 4 B 421/20 – Besetzung eines kommunalen Jugendhilfeausschusses 미리보기
W. Kohlhammer 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
