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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 Structure Change in Strontium Oxide-Doped Dicalcium Silicates 미리보기
Fukuda, K American Ceramic Society 1980
162 저널기사 Structure Evolution in Hydrothermally Processed (<100�) BaTiO~3 Films 미리보기
Slamovich, E. B American Ceramic Society 1980
163 저널기사 Structure Evolution of Highly Crystallized BaWO~4 Film Prepared by an Electrochemical Method at Room Temperature 미리보기
Cho, W.-S American Ceramic Society 1980
164 저널기사 Structure Models for g-Aluminum Oxynitride from Ab Initio Calculations/ 미리보기
Pang, Chang Ming American Ceramic Society 2001
165 저널기사 Structure of Calcium Silicate Hydrates Formed in Alkaline-Activated Slag: Influence of the Type of Alkaline Activator/ 미리보기
Fernandez-Jimenez, A American Ceramic Society 2003
166 저널기사 Structures and Phase Relations of Aluminum-Substituted Calcium Silicate Hydrate 미리보기
Kwan, S American Ceramic Society 1980
167 저널기사 Structure Sensitivity of Photochemical Oxidation and Reduction Reactions on SrTiO~3 Surfaces/ 미리보기
Giocondi, J. L American Ceramic Society 2003
168 저널기사 Structures of High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors 미리보기
Park, C American Ceramic Society 1980
169 저널기사 Structures, Phase Transformations, and Dielectric Properties of Pyrochlores Containing Bismuth 미리보기
Wang, X American Ceramic Society 1980
170 저널기사 Subcritical Crack-Growth Behavior of Borosilicate Glass under Cyclic Loads: Evidence of a Mechanical Fatigue Effect 미리보기
Dill, S. J American Ceramic Society 1980
171 저널기사 Subcritical Crack Growth in Silica Optical Fibers in a Wide Range of Crack Velocities 미리보기
Muraoka, M American Ceramic Society 1980
172 저널기사 Subject Index /// 미리보기
American Ceramic Society 2000
173 저널기사 Subsolidus Phase Relationships in the System Fe~2O~3-Al~2O~3-TiO~2 between 1000^o and 1300^oC/ 미리보기
Pownceby, M. I American Ceramic Society 2003
174 저널기사 Subsurface Defect Detection in Ceramics Using an Optical Gated Scatter Reflectometer 미리보기
Bashkansky, M American Ceramic Society 1980
175 저널기사 Superoxidation and Electrochemical Reactions during Switching in Pb(Zr,Ti)O~3 Ceramics 미리보기
Pan, M. J American Ceramic Society 1980
176 저널기사 Superplastic Alumina at Temperatures below 1300� Using Charge-Compensating Dopants 미리보기
Xue, L. A American Ceramic Society 1980
177 저널기사 Super-Water-Repellent Al~2O~3 Coating Films with High Transparency 미리보기
Tadanaga, K American Ceramic Society 1980
178 저널기사 Suppressing the Formation of Cone Structures in Chemical-Vapor-DepositedAluminum Nitride/Titanium Nitride Films 미리보기
Yi Jun Liu American Ceramic Society 1980
179 저널기사 Suppression of Active Oxidation of Polycarbosilane-Derived Silicon Carbide Fibers by Preoxidation at High Oxygen Pressure/ 미리보기
Shimoo, T American Ceramic Society 2003
180 저널기사 Suppression of Grain Growth in Sol-Gel-Derived Tin Dioxide Ultrathin Films 미리보기
Do Joon Yoo American Ceramic Society 1980
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