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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Salmonella typhimurium Genetic Locus Which Confers Copper Tolerance onCopper-Sensitive Mutants of Escherichia coli 미리보기
Gupta, S. D American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
2 저널기사 A Signal Transducer for Aerotaxis in Escherichia coli 미리보기
Bibikov, S. I American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
3 저널기사 A Simple Gel Electrophoretic Method for Analyzing the Muropeptide Composition of Bacterial Peptidoglycan 미리보기
Young, K. D American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
4 저널기사 A Single Amino Acid Change in Escherichia coli Glycerol Kinase AbolishesGlucose Control of Glycerol Utilization In Vivo 미리보기
Pettigrew, D. W American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
5 저널기사 A Site-Directed Staphylococcus aureus hemB Mutant Is a Small- Colony Variant Which Persists Intracellularly 미리보기
Von Eiff, C American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
6 저널기사 A Stationary-Phase Gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Is a Member of a Novel, Highly Conserved Gene Family 미리보기
Braun, E. L American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
7 저널기사 A Study of Iterative Type II Polyketide Synthases, Using Bacterial GenesCloned from Soil DNA: a Means To Access and Use Genes from Uncultured Microorganisms 미리보기
Seow, K.-T American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
8 저널기사 A Study of the Mycobacterial Transcriptional Apparatus: Identification of Novel Features in Promoter Elements 미리보기
Bashyam, M. D American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
9 저널기사 A Succinate Dehydrogenase with Novel Structure and Properties from the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius: Genetic and Biophysical Characterization 미리보기
Janssen, S American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
10 저널기사 A Suppressor of Mutations in the Region Adjacent to Iterons of pSC101 ori 미리보기
Ohkubo, S American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
11 저널기사 A System To Generate Chromosomal Mutations in Lactococcus lactis Which Allows Fast Analysis of Targeted Genes 미리보기
Law, J American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
12 저널기사 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Exhibits a yAP-1-Mediated Adaptive Response to Malondialdehyde 미리보기
Turton, H. E American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
13 저널기사 Salmonella enteritidis agfBAC Operon Encoding Thin, Aggregative Fimbriae 미리보기
Collinson, S. K American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
14 저널기사 Salmonella typhi Contains Identical Intervening Sequences in All Seven rrl Genes 미리보기
Mattatall, N. R American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
15 저널기사 Salmonella typhimurium Cobalamin (Vitamin B~1~2) Biosynthetic Genes: Functional Studies in S. typhimurium and Escherichia coli 미리보기
Raux, E American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
16 저널기사 Salmonella typhimurium Fimbrial Phase Variation and FimA Expression 미리보기
Clegg, S American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
17 저널기사 Salmonella typhimurium LT2 Possesses Three Distinct 23S rRNA InterveningSequences 미리보기
Mattatall, N. R American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
18 저널기사 sar Genetic Determinants Necessary for Transcription of RNAII and RNAIIIin the agr Locus of Staphylococcus aureus 미리보기
Cheung, A. L American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
19 저널기사 Search for Additional Replication Terminators in the Bacillus subtilis 168 Chromosome 미리보기
Griffiths, A. A American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
20 저널기사 SecA Proteins of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli Possess Homologous Amino-Terminal ATP-Binding Domains Regulating Integration into the Plasma Membrane 미리보기
McNicholas, P American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
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