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1 저널기사 A Sheep in Wolf s Clothing: Exploring Researcher Vulnerability 미리보기
Hamilton, K.; Downey, H.; Catterall, M. Association for Consumer Research 2006
2 저널기사 A Sheep in Wolf s Clothing: Exploring Researcher Vulnerability 미리보기
Hamilton, K.; Downey, H.; Catterall, M. Association for Consumer Research 2006
3 저널기사 A Social Approach to Voter Vengeance 미리보기
Bechwati, N.N.; Morrin, M. Association for Consumer Research 2008
4 저널기사 A Sociocultural Investigation of Consumer Credit and Consumer Debt 미리보기
Wang, J. Association for Consumer Research 2006
5 저널기사 A Sociocultural Investigation of Consumer Credit and Consumer Debt 미리보기
Wang, J. Association for Consumer Research 2006
6 저널기사 A Structural Look At Consumer Innovativeness and Self-Congruence In New Product Purchases 미리보기
Cowart, K. O.; Fox, G. L.; Wilson, A. E. Association for Consumer Research 2007
7 저널기사 A Study of the Concept of Affective Choice Mode for Consumer Decisions 미리보기
Mittal, B. Association for Consumer Research 1993
8 저널기사 A Study of the Concept of Affective Choice Mode for Consumer Decisions 미리보기
9 저널기사 A Subtle Sense of Specialness Triggers Feelings of Uniqueness 미리보기
Eelen, J.; Millet, K.; Warlop, L. Association for Consumer Research 2013
10 저널기사 Sacred and Profane Consumption Revisited: The Case of Fair Trade Consumers 미리보기
Gould, N. Association for Consumer Research 2006
11 저널기사 Sacred and Profane Consumption Revisited: The Case of Fair Trade Consumers 미리보기
Gould, N. Association for Consumer Research 2006
12 저널기사 Sacred Places: An Exploratory Investigation of Consuming Pilgrimage 미리보기
Higgins, L.; Hamilton, K. Association for Consumer Research 2012
13 저널기사 Sacred Songs, Secular Words: Discourse on the Consumption of Religious Music 미리보기
Yip, J. Association for Consumer Research 2007
14 저널기사 Sadness and Consumption: The Attenuating Role of Choice 미리보기
Garg, N.; Lerner, J. Association for Consumer Research 2012
15 저널기사 Sadness, Anxiety and the Ordering of Future Events 미리보기
Raghunathan, R.; Corfman, K. P. Association for Consumer Research 2005
16 저널기사 Salsa Magic: An Exploratory Netnographic Analysis of the Salsa Experience 미리보기
Hamilton, K.; Hewer, P. Association for Consumer Research 2009
17 저널기사 Salsa Magic: An Exploratory Netnographic Analysis of the Salsa Experience 미리보기
Hamilton, K.; Hewer, P. Association for Consumer Research 2009
18 저널기사 Salting the Sidewalk In Case the Snowstorm Hits: Consumption as a Buffer against the Potential for Threat 미리보기
Kim, S.; Rucker, D. Association for Consumer Research 2013
19 저널기사 Salvation of the Second Shift: Are Wives Immune to Monday Blues? 미리보기
Areni, C. Association for Consumer Research 2009
20 저널기사 Salvation of the Second Shift: Are Wives Immune to Monday Blues? 미리보기
Areni, C. Association for Consumer Research 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
