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181 저널기사 Stress generation mechanisms in carbon thin films grown by ion-beam deposition/ 미리보기
Zhang, S Elsevier Science 2003
182 저널기사 Stress induced crystallization of amorphous materials and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials: a molecular dynamics simulation study/ 미리보기
Lee, B. J Elsevier Science 2003
183 저널기사 Stress induced grain boundary motion/ 미리보기
Winning, M Elsevier Science 2001
184 저널기사 Stress state and failure mechanisms of thermal barrier coatings: role of creep in thermally grown oxide/ 미리보기
R�sler, J Elsevier Science 2001
185 저널기사 Structural and hydriding properties of composite Mg-ZrFe1.4Cr0.6/ 미리보기
Wang, P Elsevier Science 2001
186 저널기사 Structural and magnetic properties of PrFe12-xVx and their nitrides/ 미리보기
Mao, W Elsevier Science 2001
187 저널기사 Structural breaks and fractional integration in the US output and unemployment rate 미리보기
Gil-Alana, L. A. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
188 저널기사 Structural change and decisions on investment allocation 미리보기
Araujo, R. A.; Teixeira, J. R. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
189 저널기사 Structural evolution and phase formation in cold-rolled aluminum-nickel multilayers/ 미리보기
Sieber, H Elsevier Science 2001
190 저널기사 Structural modifications produced by the incorporation of Ar within the lattice of Fe2O3 thin films prepared by ion beam induced chemical vapour deposition/ 미리보기
Yubero, F Elsevier Science 2000
191 저널기사 Structure of martensite in sputter-deposited Ti-Ni thin films containing Guinier-Preston zones/ 미리보기
Zhang, J X Elsevier Science 2001
192 저널기사 Structure-property relationship of a spray formed Al-Y-Ni-Co alloy/ 미리보기
Golumbfskie, W. J Elsevier Science 2003
193 저널기사 Student Debt: The Causes and Consequences of Undergraduate Borrowing in the UK, Adrian J. Scott, Alan Lewis and Stephen E.G. Lea (Eds.). The Policy Press, University of Bristol, 160 pages, paperback, ISBN 1 86134 279 9, 15.99 (US$28.75) 미리보기
Glennerster, H. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
194 저널기사 Student migration and institution control as screening devices 미리보기
195 저널기사 Studies on the electronic transport properties of some aromatic polysulfones in thin films/ 미리보기
Rusu, G I Elsevier Science 2001
196 저널기사 Study of efficiency and productivity growth in opencast and underground coal mining in India: a DEA analysis 미리보기
Kulshreshtha, M.; Parikh, J. K. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
197 저널기사 Study of grain boundary character along intergranular stress corrosion crack paths in austenitic alloys/ 미리보기
Gertsman, V Y Elsevier Science 2001
198 저널기사 Study of mechanical deformation in bulk metallic glass through instrumented indentation/ 미리보기
Vaidyanathan, R Elsevier Science 2001
199 저널기사 Study of polymer/metal coating under stress using positron annihilation spectroscopy/ 미리보기
Escobar Galindo, R Elsevier Science 2000
200 저널기사 Study of precipitation in aged binary Mg-Al and ternary Mg-Al-Zn alloys using 27Al NMR spectroscopy/ 미리보기
Celotto, S Elsevier Science 2001
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