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1 저널기사 Sales and Negotiations Within Marketing Channels 미리보기
Fleming, D.E.; Hawes, J.M. Haworth Press 2014
2 저널기사 Salesperson Resistance to Sharing Market Intelligence in Sub-Saharan Africa 미리보기
Nowlin, Edward L.; Anaza, Nwamaka A.; Anaza, Emeka Haworth Press 2015
3 저널기사 Salesperson Slotting Allowance Authority in Manufacturer-Retailer Negotiations 미리보기
Rowe, W.J.; Seevers, M.T.; Zemanek, J.E. Haworth Press 2014
4 저널기사 Seismic Shifts in the Sharing Economy: Shaking Up Marketing Channels and Supply Chains 미리보기
Ferrell, O. C.; Ferrell, Linda; Huggins, Kyle Haworth Press 2017
5 저널기사 Selling Versus Leasing of Durable Goods: The Impact on Marketing Channels 미리보기
Chau, N.N.; Schulz, S.A. Haworth Press 2014
6 저널기사 SERIALS CATALOGING COOPERATIVE TRAINING PROGRAM (SCCTP) - A Trainee Perspective on the Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop - This article is a trainee's perspective of the Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop, the first course in the Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP). A brief description of the course is offered as well as a discussion of the program goals. The emphasis of this course was the need to maintain CONSER standards in creating serial records and this article offers one person's view of how the trainers presented material from the CONSER Editing Guide and CONSER Cataloging Manual to guide participants in following those standards. KEYWORDS. Serials, cataloging, training, CONSER, SCCTP/ 미리보기
Headlee, Patricia A Haworth Press 2000
7 저널기사 SERIALS CATALOGING COOPERATIVE TRAINING PROGRAM (SCCTP) - International Cooperation in the Program for Cooperative Cataloging: Present and Prospects - The past ten years have seen an expansion in participation by non-U.S. institutions in what were once solely American cooperative cataloging programs. Overlaying older bilateral relationships between national libraries, membership in the Program for Cooperative Cataloging has come to include willing institutions in a variety of organizational models: Single membership, participation in a group "funnel" specially formed for the purpose, or as an outgrowth of a local bibliographic network. The resulting dispersion of bibliographic and authority work among many institutions gives rise to a welcome participatory model in standards and rule-setting. KEYWORDS. Cooperative cataloging, international librarianship, Program for Cooperative Cataloging, NACO, SACO/ 미리보기
Franks, Anthony R D Haworth Press 2000
8 저널기사 SERIALS CATALOGING COOPERATIVE TRAINING PROGRAM (SCCTP) - (Re)Making the Serials Cataloger: The SCCTP Within an Educational Framework - The Serials Cooperative Cataloging Program (SCCTP) is reviewed from the standpoint of a library educator. Although the demand for copy catalogers has declined in the era of digital information, the demand for original catalogers has remained constant due, in part, to the growth in titles in different media formats and different languages. Additionally linking to information housed externally or internally and embedding metadata tags for resource discovery are among the new tasks for organizers of information in the Internet era. Increasingly professional organizations are filling the need for continuing education and training for advanced-level catalogers. This article examines the SCCTP as a model for continuous professional development and concludes it is adaptable more generally. KEYWORDS. Cataloging education, serials cataloging, Serials Cooperativ 미리보기
Howarth, Lynne C Haworth Press 2000
9 저널기사 SERIALS CATALOGING COOPERATIVE TRAINING PROGRAM (SCCTP) - SCCTP Basic Serials Cataloging: A Manager's Perspective This article describes one manager's experience in hosting a Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop, sponsored by the Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program. SCCTP provides an effective yet economical way for library staff to receive authoritative training in this most essential aspect of library service. KEYWORDS. Serials cataloging, staff training, SCCTP, CONSER/ 미리보기
Bruner, David Haworth Press 2000
10 저널기사 SERIALS CATALOGING COOPERATIVE TRAINING PROGRAM (SCCTP) - The Catalog as Barrier to Retrieval-Part 2: Forms of Name - Continues the results of the Internet survey of 38 different OPAC systems, this part looking at forms of name and cross-references. Tests were conducted to examine the results of searching for a personal name, Leonardo da Vinci, and a corporate name entered subordinately, under parts of the name which were not the leading element. Many libraries provide no cross-references, and in many cases the presence or absence of punctuation in the search string has a significant effect. The effect of the variation when combined in an Author/Title search is also considered. The survey also considers the special filing of names beginning Mc, which is almost confined to some British systems, and the interfiling of subject with author entries for personal names. A number of recommendations conclude the article. KEYWORDS. Online catalogs, personal names, corporate names/ 미리보기
Bowman, J H Haworth Press 2000
11 저널기사 SERIALS CATALOGING COOPERATIVE TRAINING PROGRAM (SCCTP) - The Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program: A Trainer's Perspective - The Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP) is a cooperative program that provides standardized training materials and trained trainers in the field of serials cataloging. The SCCTP was created under the auspices of the Cooperative Online Serials (CONSER) Program, a component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC). In this paper, the author describes his reasons for volunteering to become a trainer for the SCCTP, his experiences at a SCCTP "train the trainer" workshop, and describes the first SCCTP workshop, the Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop, that he and a colleague conducted for the Harvard University Libraries. KEYWORDS. Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP), Cooperative Online Serials (CONSER), Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), serials cataloging, standardized training/ 미리보기
Shetler, James D Haworth Press 2000
12 저널기사 Slotting Allowances in China: Perspectives of a Large Manufacturer Versus a Large Retailer in the China Grocery Market 미리보기
Kaynak, E.; Chow, C.S.F.; Xie, J.Z. Haworth Press 2015
13 연속간행물 Social work in health care 미리보기
의학도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Haworth Press] 1975- URL
14 저널기사 Some Managerial Thinking About the Sharing Economy 미리보기
Bellin, Howard Haworth Press 2017
15 저널기사 Special Issue: “Channel Governance and Managing Channel Relationships in China” 미리보기
Zhuang, Guijun; Zhang, Chuang Haworth Press 2017
16 저널기사 Special Issue: “Channel Governance and Managing Channel Relationships in China” 미리보기
unknown Haworth Press 2017
17 저널기사 Special Issue: “Channel Governance and Managing Channel Relationships in China” 미리보기
unknown Haworth Press 2016
18 저널기사 Special Issue: “Dynamics of Marketing Channels in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) Economies” 미리보기
unknown Haworth Press 2014
19 저널기사 Special Issue: “Dynamics of Marketing Channels in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) Economies” 미리보기
unknown Haworth Press 2014
20 저널기사 Special Issue: Dynamics of Marketing Channels in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) Economies 미리보기
Dant, R.P.; Grunhagen, M. Haworth Press 2014
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