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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A simple index of banking fragility: application to Indian data 미리보기
Ghosh, S. MCB 2011
2 저널기사 A simple parallel algorithm for large-scale portfolio problems 미리보기
Smimou, K.; Thulasiram, R. K. MCB 2010
3 저널기사 A snapshot of key information systems (IS) issues in Estonian organizations for the 2000s 미리보기
Ifinedo, P.; Ifinedo, A. MCB 2011
4 저널기사 A Stern look at hedge fund risk 미리보기
Kosky, J.; James, S.; Carty, H. MCB 2010
5 저널기사 A strategic framework for integrating marketing and supply chain strategies 미리보기
Juttner, U.; Christopher, M.; Godsell, J. MCB 2010
6 저널기사 A structural equation model assessment of logistics strategy 미리보기
Kohn, J. W.; McGinnis, M. A.; Kara, A. MCB 2011
7 저널기사 A study of determinants impacting consumers food choice with reference to the fast food consumption in India 미리보기
Anand, R. MCB 2011
8 저널기사 A study of total quality management and supply chain management practices 미리보기
Talib, F.; Rahman, Z.; Qureshi, M. N. MCB 2011
9 저널기사 A survey of internet financial reporting in Oman 미리보기
Mohamed, E. K.; Oyelere, P.; Al-Busaidi, M. MCB 2009
10 저널기사 A SWOT analysis on Six Sigma: some perspectives from leading academics and practitioners 미리보기
Antony, J. MCB 2012
11 저널기사 A "system dynamics-based Balanced Scorecard" to support strategic decision making: Insights from a case study 미리보기
Barnab&e, F. MCB 2011
12 저널기사 Safety-first portfolio optimization after September 11, 2001 미리보기
Haque, M.; Varela, O. MCB 2010
13 저널기사 Same reform - different practices?: How regional health enterprises adjust to management control reforms 미리보기
Nyland, K.; Pettersen, I. J.; Ostergren, K. MCB 2009
14 저널기사 School performance management practices and school achievement 미리보기
Sarrico, C. S.; Rosa, M. J.; Manatos, M. J. MCB 2012
15 저널기사 SEC adopts amendments to regulation SHO 미리보기
Forbes, J.; Gnall, G. P.; Lombardo, C. M. MCB 2010
16 저널기사 SEC adopts final rules on Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Program 미리보기
Clark, M. E.; Lese, L. S.; Avett, F. R. MCB 2011
17 저널기사 SEC amends disclosure and reporting 미리보기
Parrino, R. J.; Sung, M. MCB 2009
18 저널기사 SEC amends the Advisers Act custody rule 미리보기
Forbes, J.; Molle, M. MCB 2010
19 저널기사 SEC and CFTC issue Joint Report on Regulatory Harmonization 미리보기
Dropkin, C. E. MCB 2010
20 저널기사 SEC approves FINRA's overhaul of its Discovery Guide 미리보기
Polk, S. L.; Stadler, A. MCB 2011
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