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1 저널기사 Saddle points of potential-energy surfaces for symmetric triatomic molecules determined by an algebraic approach (5 pages)/ 미리보기
Zheng, Yujun Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2001
2 저널기사 Sand stirred by chaotic advection (4 pages)/ 미리보기
Lopez, C Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
3 저널기사 Sasa-Satsuma higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its bilinearization and multisoliton solutions (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Gilson, C Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1900
4 저널기사 Sasa-Satsuma higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its bilinearization and multisoliton solutions (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Gilson, C Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
5 저널기사 Saturated x-ray lasers at 196 and 73 ?pumped by a picosecond traveling-wave excitation (12 pages)/ 미리보기
King, R E Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2001
6 저널기사 Scaling and nonscaling finite-size effects in the Gaussian and the mean spherical model with free boundary conditions (27 pages)/ 미리보기
Chen, X. S Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
7 저널기사 Scaling exponent of the maximum growth probability in diffusion-limited aggregation (4 pages)/ 미리보기
Jensen, M. H Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
8 저널기사 Scaling function for surface width for free boundary conditions (4 pages) 미리보기
Jeong, H.-C Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
9 저널기사 Scaling near the theta point for isolated polymers in solution (3 pages)/ 미리보기
Owczarek, A. L Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
10 저널기사 Scaling of plane-wave Born cross sections for electron-impact excitation of neutral atoms (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Kim, Yong-Ki Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2001
11 저널기사 Scaling predictions for radii of weakly bound triatomic molecules (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Yamashita, M. T Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
12 저널기사 Scaling properties of cavity-enhanced atom cooling (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Horak, Peter Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2001
13 저널기사 Scaling relation in the collision of hydrogenlike ions with antiprotons (5 pages 미리보기
Tong, X.-M Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2002
14 저널기사 Scattering and separators in dissipative systems (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Nishiura, Y Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
15 저널기사 Scattering of dipole-mode vector solitons: Theory and experiment (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Krolikowski, W Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1900
16 저널기사 Scattering of dipole-mode vector solitons: Theory and experiment (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Krolikowski, W Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
17 저널기사 Scattering of electrons by a Bose-Einstein condensate of alkali-metal atoms/ 미리보기
Wang, Hai-jun Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2001
18 저널기사 Scattering theory of plasmon-assisted entanglement transfer and distillation (4 pages)/ 미리보기
van Velsen, J. L Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
19 저널기사 Scheme for decoherence control in microwave cavities (12 pages)/ 미리보기
Zippilli, S Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
20 저널기사 Scheme for generating a superposition of two- and four-photon maximally entangled states: Application to four-photon quantum photolithography (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Gerry, C. C Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2002
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