1 |
Saddle points of potential-energy surfaces for symmetric triatomic molecules determined by an algebraic approach (5 pages)/
Zheng, Yujun
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
2 |
Sand stirred by chaotic advection (4 pages)/
Lopez, C
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
3 |
Sasa-Satsuma higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its bilinearization and multisoliton solutions (10 pages)/
Gilson, C
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
4 |
Sasa-Satsuma higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its bilinearization and multisoliton solutions (10 pages)/
Gilson, C
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
5 |
Saturated x-ray lasers at 196 and 73 ?pumped by a picosecond traveling-wave excitation (12 pages)/
King, R E
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
6 |
Scaling and nonscaling finite-size effects in the Gaussian and the mean spherical model with free boundary conditions (27 pages)/
Chen, X. S
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
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Scaling exponent of the maximum growth probability in diffusion-limited aggregation (4 pages)/
Jensen, M. H
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
8 |
Scaling function for surface width for free boundary conditions (4 pages)
Jeong, H.-C
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
9 |
Scaling near the theta point for isolated polymers in solution (3 pages)/
Owczarek, A. L
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
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Scaling of plane-wave Born cross sections for electron-impact excitation of neutral atoms (10 pages)/
Kim, Yong-Ki
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
11 |
Scaling predictions for radii of weakly bound triatomic molecules (7 pages)/
Yamashita, M. T
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
12 |
Scaling properties of cavity-enhanced atom cooling (7 pages)/
Horak, Peter
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
13 |
Scaling relation in the collision of hydrogenlike ions with antiprotons (5 pages
Tong, X.-M
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
14 |
Scattering and separators in dissipative systems (7 pages)/
Nishiura, Y
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
15 |
Scattering of dipole-mode vector solitons: Theory and experiment (8 pages)/
Krolikowski, W
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
16 |
Scattering of dipole-mode vector solitons: Theory and experiment (8 pages)/
Krolikowski, W
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
17 |
Scattering of electrons by a Bose-Einstein condensate of alkali-metal atoms/
Wang, Hai-jun
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
18 |
Scattering theory of plasmon-assisted entanglement transfer and distillation (4 pages)/
van Velsen, J. L
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
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Scheme for decoherence control in microwave cavities (12 pages)/
Zippilli, S
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
20 |
Scheme for generating a superposition of two- and four-photon maximally entangled states: Application to four-photon quantum photolithography (6 pages)/
Gerry, C. C
Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics