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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Snapshot of Community Bank Staffing 미리보기
unknown Risk Management Association 2018
2 저널기사 A Swing State Mentality in Strategic Risk Management 미리보기
Lam, Brandon Risk Management Association 2016
3 저널기사 Scenario Analysis: Perspectives and Principles (Part 1) 미리보기
unknown Risk Management Association 2012
4 저널기사 School of Risk 미리보기
Krasowski, Stephen Risk Management Association 2016
5 저널기사 Secondary-Market Opportunities in SBA 504 Lending A secondary market for 504 loans offers a way to enhance their marketability as a product by customizing the credit structure to fit the borrower's needs 미리보기
Wallace, Thomas; Blanchard, Jordan Risk Management Association 2017
6 저널기사 Securities Lending at a Crossroads 미리보기
Devlin, F. Risk Management Association 2013
7 저널기사 Selling Commercial Loans: Some Best Practices 미리보기
Bemiller, T.S. Risk Management Association 2012
8 저널기사 Seven Steps to a CECL-Compliant Model 미리보기
Closs, John Risk Management Association 2016
9 저널기사 Shaping the Direction of RMA: An Interview with New RMA Chair Helga Houston, CRO of Huntington Bancshares 미리보기
unknown Risk Management Association 2016
10 저널기사 Shaping the Risk Revolution 미리보기
unknown Risk Management Association 2014
11 저널기사 Shifting into an ERM Culture 미리보기
Althonayan, A.; Keith, J.; Killackey, H. Risk Management Association 2012
12 저널기사 Small Business to the Rescue PayNet research shows that small business activity kept the economic expansion intact in the first quarter. With default rates abnormally low, this sector has an opportunity to finance bigger projects and really soar 미리보기
Phelan, William Risk Management Association 2015
13 저널기사 SOFR, So Good: Preparing for the Transition from Libor 미리보기
Krasowski, Stephen; Garritt, Fran Risk Management Association 2018
14 저널기사 Some Characteristics of Superior Underwriters Top-notch underwriters have a lot in common. What traits do they share? 미리보기
Nye, K. Risk Management Association 2012
15 저널기사 Something's Happening Here, What It Is Haint Exactly Clear 미리보기
Strischek, Dev Risk Management Association 2019
16 저널기사 Sound Practices in the Development of Risk Identification Fremeworks Firms design a risk identification framework to ensure that risk or uncertainty is identified, measured, monitored, controlled, and reported properly 미리보기
Lentino, Jim; Majumdar, Arindam Risk Management Association 2016
17 저널기사 Sound Risk Management of Purchased Loan Participations 미리보기
Mason, Bernard Risk Management Association 2015
18 저널기사 Sources of Inconsistencies in Risk-Weighted Asset Determinations: The ratios of risk-weighted assets to capital vary considerably across banks. Regulators have agreed to investigate the sources of these differences 미리보기
Araten, M. Risk Management Association 2012
19 저널기사 Spilled Milk 미리보기
DiLorenzo, Frank Risk Management Association 2018
20 저널기사 Spilled Milk: A Little Trust Can Be a Dangerous Thing Every bank in town chased after Dan Dabbler, the borrower in this Spilled Milk story. But the day Friendly National Bank finally signed him as a customer was a day its officers lived to regret 미리보기
unknown Risk Management Association 2015
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