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1 저널기사 A Statistical and Methodological Framework for Analyzing the Foster CareExperiences of Children 미리보기
Wulczyn, F University of Chicago Press [etc.] 1980
2 저널기사 A Study of the Properties of the Item Count Technique 미리보기
Tsuchiya, T.; Hirai, Y.; Ono, S. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2007
3 저널기사 Same-Gender Sex in the United States: Impact of T-Acasi on Prevalence Estimates 미리보기
Villarroel, M. A.; Turner, C. F.; Eggleston, E.; Al-Tayyib, A.; Rogers, S. M.; Roman, A. M.; Cooley, P. C.; Gordek, H. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2006
4 저널기사 Sampling Telephone Numbers and Adults, Interview Length, and Weighting in the California Health Interview Survey Cell Phone Pilot Study 미리보기
Brick, J.M.; Edwards, W.S.; Lee, S. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2007
5 저널기사 Sandford F. Schram, Words of Welfare: The Poverty of Social Science and the Social Science of Poverty 미리보기
Kilroy, J University of Chicago Press [etc.] 1980
6 저널기사 Sarah E. Igo. The Averaged American: Surveys, Citizens, and the Making of a Mass Public 미리보기
Kohut, A. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2008
7 저널기사 `Secret ballots' and self-reports in an exit-poll experiment 미리보기
Bishop, George F University of Chicago Press [etc.] 1995
8 저널기사 Self-Administered Questions by Telephone: Evaluating Interactive Voice Response 미리보기
Tourangeau, R.; Steiger, D. M.; Wilson, D. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2002
9 저널기사 Sheila Kamerman and Alfred Kahn, Starting Right: How America Neglects Its Youngest Children and What We Can Do about It 미리보기
Olds, D University of Chicago Press [etc.] 1980
10 저널기사 She Said, He Said, They Said: The Impact of Spousal Presence in Survey Research 미리보기
Zipp, J. F.; Toth, J. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2002
11 저널기사 Sixty-Third Annual AAPOR Conference Program 미리보기
unknown University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2008
12 저널기사 Social Care Markets in England: Early Postreform Experiences 미리보기
Knapp, M University of Chicago Press [etc.] 1980
13 저널기사 Social Desirability Bias in CATI, IVR, and Web Surveys 미리보기
Kreuter, F.; Presser, S.; Tourangeau, R. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2009
14 저널기사 Social Desirability Effects and Support for a Female American President 미리보기
Streb, M. J.; Burrell, B.; Frederick, B.; Genovese, M. A. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2008
15 저널기사 Social Movement Identity and Belief Systems: An Examination of Beliefs about Environmental Problems within the American Public 미리보기
McCright, A.M.; Dunlap, R.E. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2008
16 연속간행물 The Social service review 미리보기
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Abbott, Edith Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston University of Chicago Press [etc.] 1927-
17 저널기사 Social Trust and Attitudes Toward Democracy 미리보기
Zmerli, S.; Newton, K. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2008
18 저널기사 Social Trust and E-Commerce: Experimental Evidence for the Effects of Social Trust on Individuals' Economic Behavior 미리보기
Mutz, D. C. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2005
19 저널기사 Sophistication and the Antecedents of Whites' Racial Policy Attitudes: Racism, Ideology, and Affirmative Action in America 미리보기
Federico, C. M.; Sidanius, J. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2002
20 저널기사 Spacing, Position, and Order: Interpretive Heuristics for Visual Features of Survey Questions 미리보기
Tourangeau, R.; Couper, M. P.; Conrad, F. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2004
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